<?php if (Api::getHttpRequestMethod () != Api::GET) throw new ApiException (__ ('Invalid URI request method!'), ApiException::ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ApiException::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); if (!$_auth->hasContext ('USER', 'USER-BY-ID', 'USER-BY-MAIL', 'CLIENT-AS-USER', 'USER-BROWSER')) throw new ApiException (__ ('This application does not support user authentication!'), ApiException::ERROR_APP_AUTH, ApiException::UNAUTHORIZED, 'The application API must be configured to client connect as user (add CLIENT-AS-USER context).'); $user = $_auth->getUser (); if (!is_integer ($user) || !$user) throw new ApiException (__ ('Invalid user!'), ApiException::ERROR_APP_AUTH, ApiException::UNAUTHORIZED, 'The application API must be configured to client connect as user (add CLIENT-AS-USER context).'); $sth = Database::singleton ()->prepare ( "SELECT _id AS id, _login AS login, _name AS name, _email AS mail, _type AS type, _language AS language, _timezone AS timezone FROM _user WHERE _id = :id AND _active = B'1' AND _deleted = B'0' LIMIT 1" ); $sth->bindParam (':id', $user, PDO::PARAM_INT); $sth->execute (); $obj = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if (!is_object ($obj)) throw new ApiException (__ ('User does not exist or is inactive!'), ApiException::ERROR_APP_AUTH, ApiException::UNAUTHORIZED); Log::singleton ()->add ('LOGON', "User authenticated on API REST using application '". Api::singleton ()->getActiveApp ()->getName () ."'.", Log::SECURITY, FALSE, TRUE); header ('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode ($obj);