<?php /** * Implements support to load native and user drivers to social networks, like Google and Facebook. * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com> * @category class * @package core * @subpackage security * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause) * @see Social, User, UserType * @link http://www.titanframework.com/docs/tutorials/social-networks/ */ abstract class SocialDriver { protected $driver = NULL; protected $name = ''; protected $authId = ''; protected $authSecret = ''; protected $userType = NULL; protected $autoRegister = TRUE; protected $path; protected $attributes = array (); protected $user = NULL; protected $id = NULL; protected function __construct ($array, $path) { $this->path = $path; $this->name = trim ($array ['driver']); $this->authId = trim ($array ['auth-id']); $this->authSecret = trim ($array ['auth-secret']); $this->userType = trim ($array ['register-as']); if (array_key_exists ('auto-register', $array)) $this->autoRegister = strtoupper (trim ($array ['auto-register'])) == 'FALSE' ? FALSE : TRUE; if (array_key_exists ('attribute', $array)) foreach ($array ['attribute'] as $trash => $att) { if (!array_key_exists ('name', $att) || trim ($att ['name']) == '' || !array_key_exists ('column', $att) || trim ($att ['column']) == '') continue; $this->attributes [$att ['name']] = new SocialDriverAttribute ($att, $this->name); } } public function getName () { return $this->name; } public function getPath () { return $this->path; } protected function getUserType () { return $this->userType; } public function getAttribute ($name = FALSE) { if ($name !== FALSE) { if (!array_key_exists ($name, $this->attributes)) return NULL; return $this->attributes [$name]; } $item = each ($this->attributes); if ($item === FALSE) { reset ($this->attributes); return NULL; } return $item ['value']; } public function getRequiredPermissions () { $permissions = array (); while ($att = $this->getAttribute ()) if ($att->getPermission () != '') $permissions [$att->getPermission ()] = 1; return array_keys ($permissions); } public function isAuthenticated () { return !is_null ($this->user); } public function getUser () { return $this->user; } public function isEnabled () { $query = Database::singleton ()->query ("SELECT ". $this->getIdColumn () ." FROM _user WHERE _id = '". User::singleton ()->getId () ."'"); return !is_null ($query->fetch (PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)); } public function autoRegister () { return $this->autoRegister; } public function setProfile ($profile) { $out = array ('id' => $profile ['id']); while ($att = $this->getAttribute ()) { $out [$att->getName ()] = @$profile [$att->getName ()]; $this->attributes [$att->getName ()]->setValue (@$profile [$att->getName ()]); } $this->profile = $out; } public function getProfile () { return $this->profile; } abstract public function authenticate (); abstract public function register ($profile); abstract public function loadProfile (); abstract public function getLoginUrl (); abstract public function getConnectUrl (); abstract public function login (); abstract public function getIdColumn (); abstract public function getId (); abstract public function getUserUrl (); } /** * Implements attributes to drivers of social networks. * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com> * @category class * @package core * @subpackage security * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause) * @see Social, SocialDriver, User, UserType */ class SocialDriverAttribute { private $driver = ''; private $name = ''; private $column = ''; private $adapter = ''; private $permission = ''; protected $value = NULL; public function __construct ($array, $driver) { $this->driver = $driver; $this->name = trim ($array ['name']); $this->column = trim ($array ['column']); $this->permission = trim (@$array ['permission']); if (array_key_exists ('adapter', $array) && trim ($array ['adapter']) != '') $adapter = $array ['adapter']; else $adapter = Instance::singleton ()->getReposPath () .'social/'. $this->driver .'/_adapter/'. $this->name .'.php'; if (file_exists ($adapter)) $this->adapter = $adapter; } public function getName () { return $this->name; } public function getColumn () { return $this->column; } public function getPermission () { return $this->permission; } public function getAdapter () { return $this->adapter; } public function setValue ($value) { if ($this->adapter == '') $this->value = $value; else $this->value = include $this->adapter; } public function getValue () { return $this->value; } }