<?php /** * This class contains logic mapping for specific action. * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com> * @category class * @package core * @subpackage business * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause) * @see Instance, Business, Section */ class Action { private $label = ''; private $name = ''; private $engine = ''; private $path = ''; private $description = ''; private $warning = ''; private $doc = ''; private $indexTo = ''; private $xmlPath = FALSE; private $menu = array (); private $freeAccess = FALSE; const TDEFAULT = '__DEFAULT_ACTION__'; const TREGISTER = '__REGISTER_ACTION__'; const TMODIFY = '__MODIFY_ACTION__'; const TRSS = '__RSS_ACTION__'; const TJOB = '__JOB_ACTION__'; const TCURRENT = '__CURRENT_ACTION__'; const TSCRIPT = '__SCRIPT_ACTION__'; const TLUCENE = '__LUCENE_ACTION__'; const TAPI = '__API_ACTION__'; const PREPARE = '.prepare.php'; const VIEW = '.php'; const COMMIT = '.commit.php'; public function __construct ($input, $defaultPath) { if (!is_array ($input)) throw new Exception ('Input to action mapping is not array!'); if (array_key_exists ('label', $input)) $this->setLabel ($input ['label']); if (array_key_exists ('name', $input) && trim ($input ['name']) != '') $this->setName ($input ['name']); else throw new Exception ('All actions (<action />) of configuration files [<b>config.inc.xml</b>] must be a property [<b>name</b>] with non-empty value!'); if (array_key_exists ('engine', $input)) $this->setEngine ($input ['engine']); else $this->setEngine ($input ['name']); if (array_key_exists ('path', $input)) $this->setPath ($input ['path']); else $this->setPath ($defaultPath); if (array_key_exists ('description', $input)) $this->setDescription ($input ['description']); if (array_key_exists ('warning', $input)) $this->setWarning ($input ['warning']); if (array_key_exists ('doc', $input)) $this->setDoc ($input ['doc']); if (array_key_exists ('index-to', $input)) $this->setIndex ($input ['index-to']); if (array_key_exists ('xml-path', $input)) $this->setXmlPath ($input ['xml-path']); if (array_key_exists ('menu', $input)) { if (!is_array ($input ['menu'])) $input ['menu'] = array ($input ['menu']); $this->menu = $input ['menu']; } } public function generateMenu () { Menu::singleton ($this->menu); } public function getMenu () { return $this->menu; } public function setLabel ($label) { $this->label = translate ($label); } public function getLabel () { return $this->label; } public function setName ($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName () { return $this->name; } public function setEngine ($engine) { $this->engine = $engine; } public function getEngine () { return $this->engine; } public function setDescription ($description) { $this->description = translate ($description); } public function getDescription () { return $this->description; } public function setWarning ($warning) { $this->warning = translate ($warning); } public function getWarning () { return $this->warning; } public function setDoc ($doc) { $this->doc = translate ($doc); } public function getDoc () { return $this->doc; } public function setXmlPath ($xml) { $this->xmlPath = $xml; } public function getXmlPath () { return $this->xmlPath; } public function setPath ($path) { $this->path = $path; } public function getPath () { return $this->path; } public function getFullPathTo ($suffix) { return $this->getPath () . $this->getEngine () . $suffix; } public function setIndex ($index) { $this->indexTo = $index; } public function getIndex () { return $this->indexTo; } public function setFreeAccess ($free) { $this->freeAccess = $free; } public function freeAccess () { return $this->freeAccess; } }