<?php function updateInstanceByGit ($_path) { try { ob_start (); $_benchmark = time (); $sendErrorReport = FALSE; echo "\nINFO > Starting auto-update for instance [". $_path ."] (using GIT)... \n"; if (!`which git`) throw new Exception ("CRITICAL > You need install GIT package (try 'apt-get install git')!"); chdir ($_path); $_conf = array (); /* * First, the script open configuration file */ $file = 'configure/titan.xml'; if (!file_exists ($file) || !is_readable ($file)) throw new Exception ("ERROR > Dont exists a valid instance of Titan and is not possible create a new without file [". $_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file ."]! \n"); $xml = new Xml ($file); $_xml = $xml->getArray (); if (!isset ($_xml ['titan-configuration'][0])) throw new Exception ("ERROR > The tag 'titan-configuration' dont exist in file [". $_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file ."]! \n"); $_xml = $_xml ['titan-configuration'][0]; echo "INFO > The file 'titan.xml' is loaded! [". $_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file ."] \n"; if (isset ($_xml ['url']) && trim ($_xml ['url']) != '') echo "INFO > This instance is located at [". $_xml ['url'] ."] \n"; if (isset ($_xml ['timezone']) && trim ($_xml ['timezone']) != '') date_default_timezone_set (trim ($_xml ['timezone'])); /* * Verifying prerequisites */ if (!isset ($_xml ['cache-path']) || trim ($_xml ['cache-path']) == '' || !is_dir ($_xml ['cache-path']) || !is_writable ($_xml ['cache-path'])) throw new Exception ("ERROR > You need set a writable cache folder on tag 'titan-configuration' of 'titan.xml'! \n"); $_cache = realpath ($_xml ['cache-path']); if (!isset ($_xml ['update'][0]['environment']) || trim ($_xml ['update'][0]['environment']) == '') throw new Exception ("ERROR > You need set a environment name on tag 'update' of 'titan.xml'! \n"); $_defaultConf = array ( 'environment' => '', 'svn-login' => '', 'svn-password' => '', 'svn-users' => '', 'backup' => TRUE, 'file-mode' => '664', 'dir-mode' => '775', 'owner' => 'root', 'group' => 'staff', 'changelog' => 'DEFAULT' ); foreach ($_defaultConf as $key => $value) if (array_key_exists ($key, $_xml ['update'][0]) && trim ($_xml ['update'][0][$key]) != '') if (is_bool ($value)) $_conf [$key] = strtoupper (trim ($_xml ['update'][0][$key])) == 'FALSE' ? FALSE : TRUE; else $_conf [$key] = trim ($_xml ['update'][0][$key]); else $_conf [$key] = $value; if (!is_numeric ($_conf ['file-mode']) || strlen ($_conf ['file-mode']) != 3 || !is_numeric ($_conf ['dir-mode']) || strlen ($_conf ['dir-mode']) != 3) throw new Exception ("ERROR > You need fix file and folder permissions that will be setted on 'titan.xml' (e.g. 664 and 775)! \n"); $_conf ['file-mode'] = octdec ('0'. $_conf ['file-mode']); $_conf ['dir-mode'] = octdec ('0'. $_conf ['dir-mode']); if ($_conf ['backup'] && (!isset ($_xml ['backup'][0]['path']) || trim ($_xml ['backup'][0]['path']) == '' || !isset ($_xml ['backup'][0]['validity']) || !is_numeric ($_xml ['backup'][0]['validity']))) throw new Exception ("ERROR > You need fix backup parameters on tag 'backup' of 'titan.xml'! \n"); $_conf ['changelog'] = strtoupper ($_conf ['changelog']); /* * Connecting to DB */ if (!isset ($_xml ['database'][0]) || !isset ($_xml ['database'][0]['host']) || !isset ($_xml ['database'][0]['name'])) throw new Exception ("ERROR > You need configure 'database' on 'titan.xml'! \n"); $_xml ['database'][0]['port'] = isset ($_xml ['database'][0]['port']) && is_numeric ($_xml ['database'][0]['port']) ? trim ($_xml ['database'][0]['port']) : '5432'; if (!in_array ($_xml ['database'][0]['host'], array ('localhost', '', '::1')) || PHP_OS != 'Linux') $dsn = 'pgsql:host='. $_xml ['database'][0]['host'] .' port='. $_xml ['database'][0]['port'] .' dbname='. $_xml ['database'][0]['name'] .' user='. @$_xml ['database'][0]['user'] .' password='. @$_xml ['database'][0]['password']; else $dsn = 'pgsql:dbname='. $_xml ['database'][0]['name'] .' user='. @$_xml ['database'][0]['user'] .' password='. @$_xml ['database'][0]['password']; $_db = new PDO ($dsn, @$_xml ['database'][0]['user'], @$_xml ['database'][0]['password']); $_db->setAttribute (PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); if (isset ($_xml ['timezone']) && trim ($_xml ['timezone']) != '') $_db->exec ("SET timezone TO '". trim ($_xml ['timezone']) ."'"); $schema = isset ($_xml ['database'][0]['schema']) && trim ($_xml ['database'][0]['schema']) != '' ? trim ($_xml ['database'][0]['schema']) : 'public'; $_versionTable = $schema .'._version'; if (!tableExists ($_db, $_versionTable)) $_db->exec ("CREATE TABLE ". $_versionTable ." (_version CHAR(14) NOT NULL, _author VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, _date TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT _version_pkey PRIMARY KEY(_version))"); $query = $_db->query ("SELECT u._email FROM ". $schema ."._user u JOIN ". $schema ."._user_group ug ON ug._user = u._id JOIN ". $schema ."._group g ON g._id = ug._group WHERE g._admin = B'1'"); $_mails = $query->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if (!sizeof ($_mails)) $_mails = array (@$_xml ['e-mail']); /* * Setting some global variables */ $_branch = $_conf ['environment']; $_pathToMigrationFiles = 'update'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'db'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $_folder = getcwd () . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (array_key_exists ('e-mail', $_xml) && trim ($_xml ['e-mail']) != '') exec (GIT .' config user.email "'. $_xml ['e-mail'] .'"'); else exec (GIT .' config user.email "auto-deploy@titanframework.com"'); exec (GIT .' config user.name "Titan Auto-Deploy Script"'); /* * Getting local TAG */ exec (GIT .' describe --tags', $out); if (!is_array ($out) || !array_key_exists (0, $out) || preg_replace ('/[^0-9\.\-]/i', '', $out [0]) == '') throw new Exception ("Impossible to get last version of instance work copy! Please, verify if Git is installed and the health of work copy."); $_actual = trim ($out [0]); unset ($out); /* * Getting last TAG on remote repository */ exec (GIT .' fetch --all'); exec (GIT .' describe --abbrev=0 --tags origin/'. $_branch, $out); if (!is_array ($out) || !array_key_exists (0, $out) || preg_replace ('/[^0-9\.\-]/i', '', $out [0]) == '') throw new Exception ("Impossible to get last version of instance on remote repository! Please, verify if Git is installed and if branch [". $_branch ."] has TAGs."); $_last = trim ($out [0]); if ($_last == $_actual) throw new Exception ("INFO > Work copy in same version of remote repository [". $_last ."] at environment [". $_branch ."]. Update is not necessary!"); echo "INFO > Updating application at environment [". $_branch ."] from version [". $_actual ."] to [". $_last ."]... \n"; /* * After this point, all erros are send by mail. */ $sendErrorReport = TRUE; $_sthUpdateVersion = $_db->prepare ("INSERT INTO ". $_versionTable ." (_version, _author) VALUES (:version, :author)"); /* * Updating work copy to last TAG */ echo "INFO > Updating application files... \n"; exec (GIT .' stash clear'); exec (GIT .' stash'); exec (GIT .' reset --hard'); exec (GIT .' checkout origin/'. $_branch); exec (GIT .' pull origin '. $_branch); exec (GIT .' checkout '. $_last); exec (GIT .' merge --squash --strategy-option=theirs stash'); exec (GIT .' stash drop'); unset ($out); exec (GIT .' diff --name-only '. $_last .' '. $_actual, $out); if (is_array ($out) && sizeof ($out)) foreach ($out as $trash => $file) { echo "INFO > File [". $file ."] updated! \n"; setPermission ($file, $_conf ['dir-mode'], $_conf ['file-mode'], $_conf ['owner'], $_conf ['group']); } echo "INFO > Permission setted to modified files! \n"; if (file_exists ('composer.json')) { echo "INFO > Installing (or updating) dependencies (with Composer)... \n"; exec (COMPOSER .' install --no-dev'); exec (COMPOSER .' update --no-dev'); setPermission ('vendor', $_conf ['dir-mode'], $_conf ['file-mode'], $_conf ['owner'], $_conf ['group']); } echo "SUCCESS > Application folder updated to version [". $_last ."]! \n"; unset ($out); exec (GIT ." log -1 --format='%ai#%an' ". $_last, $out); $_authorRevision = ''; $_dateRevision = time (); if (is_array ($out) && array_key_exists (0, $out)) { $aux = explode ('#', trim ($out [0])); $_authorRevision = @$aux [1]; $_dateRevision = strtotime (@$aux [0]); } /* * Updating database to last TAG */ echo "INFO > Updating database... \n"; $query = $_db->query ("SELECT MAX(_version) AS v FROM ". $_versionTable); $version = (int) $query->fetchColumn (0); $dh = opendir ($_pathToMigrationFiles); if (!$dh) throw new Exception ("CRITICAL > Fail to list migration folder [". $_pathToMigrationFiles ."]! \n"); $files = array (); while (($file = readdir ($dh)) !== false) { preg_match ('/^(?P<v>\d{14})\.sql/', $file, $m); if (!is_array ($m) || !isset ($m ['v'])) continue; if ($version < (int) $m ['v']) $files [] = $m ['v']; } closedir ($dh); echo "INFO > Has ". sizeof ($files) ." new versions to be applied in DB... \n"; if (sizeof ($files)) { if ($_conf ['backup']) try { backupDatabase ($_xml ['database'][0]['name'], $_xml ['database'][0]['host'], $_xml ['database'][0]['port'], @$_xml ['database'][0]['user'], @$_xml ['database'][0]['password'], trim ($_xml ['backup'][0]['path']), trim ($_xml ['backup'][0]['validity'])); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage () ." \n"; echo "ERROR > Roll back application files from version ". $_last ." to ". $_actual ."... \n"; gitRollBack ($_actual); throw new Exception ("CRITICAL > Has a problem with DB backup! Consequently the work copy revision was reversed to version ". $_actual .". Contact server admin to fix it! \n"); } sort ($files); reset ($files); try { $_db->beginTransaction (); foreach ($files as $trash => $file) { echo "INFO > Updating specific migration file to head revision [". $_pathToMigrationFiles . $file .".sql]... \n"; system (GIT .' checkout origin/'. $_branch .' -- '. $_pathToMigrationFiles . $file .'.sql', $return); // if ($return) // throw new PDOException ("CRITICAL > Fail to update specifc migration file [". $_pathToMigrationFiles . $file .".sql] to head revision! \n"); if (file_exists ($_pathToMigrationFiles . $file .'.sql')) { echo "SUCCESS > Migration file [". $_pathToMigrationFiles . $file .".sql] updated to head revision! \n"; $sql = file_get_contents ($_pathToMigrationFiles . $file .'.sql'); if (trim ($sql) != '') $_db->exec ($sql); } else echo "SUCCESS > Migration file [". $_pathToMigrationFiles . $file .".sql] deleted! \n"; } $_sthUpdateVersion->bindParam (':version', $file, PDO::PARAM_STR, 14); $_sthUpdateVersion->bindParam (':author', $_authorRevision, PDO::PARAM_STR, 64); $_sthUpdateVersion->execute (); $_db->commit (); echo "SUCCESS > DB is now in version [". $file ."]! \n"; } catch (PDOException $e) { $_db->rollBack (); echo "ERROR > Error for apply SQL in DB [". $_pathToMigrationFiles . $file .".sql]: ". $e->getMessage () ." \n"; echo "ERROR > Reverting application files from version ". $_last ." to ". $_actual ."... \n"; gitRollBack ($_actual); throw new Exception ("CRITICAL > The tag ". $_last ." of branch origin/". $_branch ." has a problem with DB changes and needed to be reversed to version ". $_actual ."! \n"); } } echo "SUCCESS > Files and DB updated to version ". $_last ."! \n"; echo "INFO > Updating information about application version at files [update/VERSION] and [cache/RELEASE]... \n"; $aux = explode ('-', preg_replace ('/[^0-9\.\-]/i', '', $_last)); if (array_key_exists (0, $aux) && trim ($aux [0]) != '') @file_put_contents ('update'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'VERSION', $aux [0]); $release = ''; if (array_key_exists (1, $aux) && trim ($aux [1]) != '') $release = trim ($aux [1]); @file_put_contents ($_cache . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'RELEASE', '; Generated by auto-deploy script at '. date ('Y-m-d H:i:s') ."\n". 'version = '. $release ."\n". 'environment = "'. $_conf ['environment'] .'"' ."\n". 'date = '. $_dateRevision ."\n". 'author = "'. $_authorRevision .'"'); echo "FINISH > All done with SUCCESS after ". number_format (time () - $_benchmark, 0, ',', '.') ." seconds! \n\n"; $subject = "[". $_xml ['name'] ." at server ". php_uname ('n') ."] Successful updated to version ". preg_replace ('/[^0-9\.\-]/i', '', $_last) ." at ". date ('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $buffer = ob_get_clean (); @mail (implode (',', $_mails), '=?utf-8?B?'. base64_encode ($subject) .'?=', $buffer, "From: ". @$_xml ['e-mail'] ."\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"); echo $buffer; } catch (PDOException $e) { echo ob_get_clean (); echo "CRITICAL > Error in DB connection! [". $e->getMessage () ." at line ". $e->getLine () ."] \n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage () ."\n"; echo "FINISH > Stopped after ". number_format (time () - $_benchmark, 0, ',', '.') ." seconds! \n\n"; // TODO: Send log if error occurs. // if (isset ($_path) && isset ($_conf ['changelog']) && isset ($_initialRevision) && isset ($_revertRevision)) // printChangelog ($_conf ['changelog'], $_path, $_initialRevision, $_revertRevision, $titanUpdateLog); $buffer = ob_get_clean (); if ($sendErrorReport) { $subject = "[". $_xml ['name'] ." at server ". php_uname ('n') ."] CRITICAL ERROR to update system at ". date ('Y-m-d H:i'); @mail (isset ($_mails) ? implode (',', $_mails) : @$_xml ['e-mail'], '=?utf-8?B?'. base64_encode ($subject) .'?=', $buffer, "From: ". @$_xml ['e-mail'] ."\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"); } echo $buffer; } } function gitRollBack ($version) { exec (GIT .' stash clear'); exec (GIT .' stash'); exec (GIT .' reset --hard'); exec (GIT .' checkout '. $version); exec (GIT .' merge --squash --strategy-option=theirs stash'); exec (GIT .' stash drop'); }