<?php /** * Functions for script of auto update web applications. * * Copyright 2013-2016 @ PLEASE Lab / Embrapa Gado de Corte * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo.carromeu@embrapa.br> * @author Jairo Ricardes Rodrigues Filho <jairocgr@gmail.com> * @author Bruno Righes <brunorighes@gmail.com> * * File with collection of functions necessary to auto update script. */ function setPermission ($path, $dMode, $fMode, $owner, $group) { $remove = array ('.', '..', '.svn'); if (is_dir ($path)) { if (!chown ($path, $owner) || !chgrp ($path, $group) || !chmod ($path, $dMode)) { echo "ERROR > Impossible to set permission [". $dMode ."], owner [". $owner ."] or group [". $group ."] to folder [". $path ."]! \n"; return; } $dh = opendir ($path); while (($file = readdir ($dh)) !== false) { if (in_array ($file, $remove)) continue; $fullpath = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; setPermission ($fullpath, $dMode, $fMode, $owner, $group); } closedir ($dh); } else { if (!file_exists ($path)) { echo "ERROR > File do not exists [". $path ."]! \n"; return; } if (is_link ($path)) { echo "ERROR > Impossible make changes at symbolic links [". $path ."]! \n"; return; } if (!chown ($path, $owner) || !chgrp ($path, $group) || !chmod ($path, $fMode)) { echo "ERROR > Impossible to set permission [". $fMode ."], owner [". $owner ."] or group [". $group ."] to file [". $path ."]! \n"; return; } } } function backupDatabase ($name, $host, $port, $user, $password, $folder, $validity) { static $done = array (); if (in_array ($name .'@'. $host, $done)) return; $folder = realpath ($folder); if ($folder == '') throw new Exception ("Empty folder to make DB backup! Verify in 'titan.xml' if backup folder at tag 'backup' is not out of 'open_basedir' restriction."); $invalid = array (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/dev/null'); if (in_array ($folder, $invalid)) throw new Exception ("Ivalid folder to make DB backup [". $folder ."]!"); $folder .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'auto-update'; echo "INFO > Starting DB backup [". $name ."] at folder [". $folder ."]... \n"; if (is_dir ($folder)) { echo "INFO > Removing file older than ". $validity ." seconds... \n"; $files = glob ($folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name .'.db.*'); if (is_array ($files)) foreach ($files as $trash => $file) if (!is_dir ($file) && !is_link ($file) && filemtime ($file) < strtotime ('-'. $validity .' seconds')) { unlink ($file); echo "INFO > Backup file deleted [". $file ."]! \n"; } } else { echo "INFO > Creating database backup folder [". $folder ."]... \n"; system ('mkdir -p '. $folder, $return); if ($return) throw new Exception ("CRITICAL > Impossible to create DB backup folder! Update proccess aborted."); system ('echo "deny from all" > '. $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess', $return); } $dumpName = $name .'.db.'. date ('YmdHis') .'.sql'; echo "INFO > Generating DUMP file [". $folder ."/". $dumpName ."]... \n"; system (SU .' - postgres -c "/usr/bin/pg_dump -Fp -O '. $name .' > /tmp/'. $dumpName .'"', $return); if ($return) { echo "INFO > Removing incorrect DB dump... \n"; system (SU .' - postgres -c "'. RM .' -q /tmp/'. $dumpName .'"', $return); throw new Exception ("Impossible to generate DB dump at [/tmp/". $dumpName ."]! Update proccess aborted."); } system (MV .' "/tmp/'. $dumpName .'" "'. $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dumpName .'"', $return); if ($return) { echo "INFO > Removing incorrect DB dump... \n"; system (SU .' - postgres -c "rm -q /tmp/'. $dumpName .'"', $return); throw new Exception ("Impossible to move DB dump at [/tmp/". $dumpName ."] to [". $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dumpName ."]! Update proccess aborted."); } system (GZIP .' -f '. $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name .'.db.*.sql', $return); if ($return) echo "ERROR > Impossible to compact contents of DB backup folder [". $folder ."]! \n"; // system ('/bin/df -h'); echo "INFO > Backup finished! Applying update changes... \n"; $done [] = $name .'@'. $host; } function tableExists ($db, $name) { $array = explode ('.', $name); if (sizeof ($array) == 2) { $schema = $array [0]; $table = $array [1]; } else { $schema = 'public'; $table = $array [0]; } $sth = $db->prepare ("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = :schema AND tablename = :table"); $sth->bindParam (':schema', $schema, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->bindParam (':table', $table, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->execute (); if ((int) $sth->rowCount ()) return TRUE; return FALSE; } function handleError ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) { if (error_reporting () === 0) return FALSE; throw new Exception ($errstr .' ['. $errno .' | '. $errfile .' | '. $errline .']'); } function printChangelog ($conf, $path, $initial, $actual, $titanLog) { if ($conf == 'NONE') return; if ($actual > $initial) { $log = svn_log ($path, $initial + 1, $actual); $changelog = array (); foreach ($log as $trash => $rev) { if (trim ($rev ['msg']) == '') continue; $output = "Revision #". $rev ['rev'] ." of ". date ('d-m-Y H:i:s (P \G\M\T)', strtotime ($rev ['date'])) ." by ". $rev ['author'] ." \n"; $output .= $rev ['msg'] ." \n"; if ($conf == 'FULL') foreach ($rev ['paths'] as $trash => $file) $output .= $file ['action'] ." ". $file ['path'] ." \n"; $output .= "\n"; $changelog [] = $output; } if (sizeof ($changelog)) { echo "INSTANCE CHANGELOG \n"; echo "======== ========= \n\n"; echo implode ("", $changelog); } } $changelog = array (); foreach ($titanLog as $trash => $rev) { if (trim ($rev ['msg']) == '') continue; $output = "Revision #". $rev ['rev'] ." of ". date ('d-m-Y H:i:s (P \G\M\T)', strtotime ($rev ['date'])) ." by ". $rev ['author'] ." \n"; $output .= $rev ['msg'] ." \n"; if ($conf == 'FULL') foreach ($rev ['paths'] as $trash => $file) $output .= $file ['action'] ." ". $file ['path'] ." \n"; $output .= "\n"; $changelog [] = $output; } if (sizeof ($changelog)) { echo "TITAN CHANGELOG \n"; echo "===== ========= \n\n"; echo implode ("", $changelog); } } function isSvn ($path) { return file_exists ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'.svn') && is_dir ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'.svn'); } function isGit ($path) { return file_exists ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'.git') && is_dir ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'.git'); }