<?php /** * Implements support to social networks, like Google and Facebook. * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com> * @category class * @package core * @subpackage security * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause) * @see SocialDriver, User, UserType * @link http://www.titanframework.com/docs/tutorials/social-networks/ */ class Social { static private $social = FALSE; static private $active = NULL; private $networks = array (); private final function __construct () { $array = Instance::singleton ()->getSocial (); if (!array_key_exists ('xml-path', $array)) throw new Exception ('Not located [xml-path] attribute on <social></social> tag in file [configure/titan.xml]!'); $file = $array ['xml-path']; $cacheFile = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'parsed/'. fileName ($file) .'_'. md5_file ($file) .'.php'; if (file_exists ($cacheFile)) $array = include $cacheFile; else { $xml = new Xml ($file); $array = $xml->getArray (); $array = $array ['social-mapping'][0]; xmlCache ($cacheFile, $array); } if (array_key_exists ('social', $array)) foreach ($array ['social'] as $trash => $social) { if (!array_key_exists ('driver', $social) || trim ($social ['driver']) == '' || !array_key_exists ('auth-id', $social) || trim ($social ['auth-id']) == '' || !array_key_exists ('auth-secret', $social) || trim ($social ['auth-secret']) == '') continue; if ((!array_key_exists ('auto-register', $social) || strtoupper (trim ($social ['auto-register'])) != 'FALSE') && (!array_key_exists ('register-as', $social) || trim ($social ['register-as']) == '' || !Security::singleton ()->userTypeExists ($social ['register-as']))) continue; $driver = trim ($social ['driver']); if (array_key_exists ('path', $social) && trim ($social ['path']) != '') $path = trim ($social ['path']); else $path = Instance::singleton ()->getReposPath () .'social/'. $driver .'/'; if (!is_dir ($path)) continue; require $path . $driver .'.php'; $class = $driver .'Driver'; $this->networks [$social ['driver']] = new $class ($social, $path); } reset ($this->networks); } static public function singleton () { if (self::$social !== FALSE) return self::$social; $class = __CLASS__; self::$social = new $class (); return self::$social; } public function getSocialNetwork ($driver = FALSE) { if ($driver !== FALSE) { if (!array_key_exists ($driver, $this->networks)) return NULL; return $this->networks [$driver]; } $item = each ($this->networks); if ($item === FALSE) { reset ($this->networks); return NULL; } return $item ['value']; } public function socialNetworkExists ($driver) { return array_key_exists ($driver, $this->networks); } public static function isActive () { if (is_null (self::$active)) self::$active = sizeof (Instance::singleton ()->getSocial ()) && Database::isUnique ('_user', '_email'); return self::$active; } }