 * Helper class to get current localization of user by IP.
 * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com>
 * @category class
 * @package core
 * @subpackage util
 * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework
 * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause)
 * @see Type
class GoogleMaps
	public static function geolocate ($ip = FALSE)
		if ($ip === FALSE)
			$ip = $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR'];

		if (ip2long ($ip) === FALSE)
			return array (0, 0);

		$path = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'geolocate';

		if (file_exists ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ip))
			$json = file_get_contents ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ip);
			$json = file_get_contents ('http://ipinfo.io/'. $ip .'/json');

			if (!file_exists ($path) && !@mkdir ($path, 0777))
				throw new Exception ('Impossible to create folder ['. $path .'].');

			if (!file_exists ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'.htaccess') && !file_put_contents ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'.htaccess', 'deny from all'))
				throw new Exception ('Impossible to enhance security for folder ['. $path .'].');

			file_put_contents ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ip, $json);

		$obj = json_decode ($json);

		if (!is_object ($obj) || !isset ($obj->loc))
			@unlink ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ip);

			return array (0, 0);

		$array = explode ($obj->loc, ',');

		if (sizeof ($array) != 2)
			@unlink ($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ip);

			return array (0, 0);

		return array ((float) $array [0], (float) $array [1]);