<?php /** * This class contains logic mapping for a specific section. * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com> * @category class * @package core * @subpackage business * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause) * @see Instance, Business, Action */ class Section { private $actions = array (); private $permissions = array (); private $directives = array (); private $actionDefault = ''; private $currentAction = ''; private $label = ''; private $name = ''; private $component = FALSE; private $compPath = ''; private $father = ''; private $description = ''; private $doc = ''; private $adminAccess = FALSE; private $fake = FALSE; private $hidden = FALSE; private $icon = ''; const TDEFAULT = '__DEFAULT_SECTION__'; const TCURRENT = '__CURRENT_SECTION__'; public function __construct ($input) { if (!is_array ($input)) throw new Exception ('Section mapping parameter is not array!'); if (array_key_exists ('label', $input)) $this->setLabel ($input ['label']); if (array_key_exists ('name', $input)) $this->setName ($input ['name']); if (array_key_exists ('component', $input) && trim ($input ['component']) != '') $this->setComponent ($input ['component']); else $this->fake = TRUE; if (array_key_exists ('father', $input)) $this->setFather ($input ['father']); if (array_key_exists ('description', $input)) $this->setDescription ($input ['description']); if (array_key_exists ('doc', $input)) $this->setDoc ($input ['doc']); if (array_key_exists ('admin', $input) && strtoupper ($input ['admin']) == 'TRUE') $this->adminAccess = TRUE; if (array_key_exists ('hidden', $input) && strtoupper ($input ['hidden']) == 'TRUE') $this->hidden = TRUE; if (array_key_exists ('icon', $input)) $this->setIcon ($input ['icon']); if (!$this->isFake ()) { $file = 'section/'. $this->getName () .'/config.inc.xml'; if (!file_exists ($file)) throw new Exception ('XML file ['. $file .'] not found!'); $cacheFile = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'parsed/'. fileName ($file) .'_'. md5_file ($file) .'.php'; if (file_exists ($cacheFile)) $array = include $cacheFile; else { $xml = new Xml ($file); $array = $xml->getArray (); $array = $array ['action-mapping'][0]; xmlCache ($cacheFile, $array); } if (array_key_exists ('action', $array)) { if (!is_array ($array ['action'])) $array ['action'] = array ($array ['action']); foreach ($array ['action'] as $key => $action) { if (!array_key_exists ('name', $action)) continue; if (array_key_exists ('default', $action) && strtoupper ($action ['default']) == 'TRUE') $this->actionDefault = $action ['name']; $this->actions [$action ['name']] = $action; } reset ($this->actions); } if (array_key_exists ('permission', $array)) { if (!is_array ($array ['permission'])) $array ['permission'] = array ($array ['permission']); foreach ($array ['permission'] as $key => $permission) { if (!array_key_exists ('name', $permission) || trim ($permission ['name']) == '') continue; if (!array_key_exists ('label', $permission) || trim ($permission ['label']) == '') $permission ['label'] = $permission ['name']; $this->permissions [$permission ['name']] = $permission; } reset ($this->permissions); } if (array_key_exists ('directive', $array)) { if (!is_array ($array ['directive'])) $array ['directive'] = array ($array ['directive']); foreach ($array ['directive'] as $key => $directive) { if (!array_key_exists ('name', $directive) || trim ($directive ['name']) == '') continue; if (!array_key_exists ('value', $directive)) $directive ['value'] = $directive [0]; $this->directives [$directive ['name']] = $directive ['value']; } reset ($this->directives); } } } public function getAction ($name = FALSE, $force = FALSE) { if ($name === FALSE) { $action = each ($this->actions); if ($action !== FALSE) { if (is_object ($action ['value'])) return $action ['value']; $obj = new Action ($action ['value'], $this->getCompPath ()); $this->actions [$action ['value']['name']] = $obj; return $obj; } reset ($this->actions); return NULL; } switch ($name) { case Action::TDEFAULT: if (trim ($this->actionDefault) == '' || !array_key_exists ($this->actionDefault, $this->actions)) if ($force) throw new Exception (__ ('The requested action do not exists! Maybe its necessary define in configuration file of section [config.inc.xml].')); else return current ($this->actions); if (is_object ($this->actions [$this->actionDefault])) return $this->actions [$this->actionDefault]; $obj = new Action ($this->actions [$this->actionDefault], $this->getCompPath ()); $this->actions [$this->actionDefault] = $obj; return $obj; case Action::TCURRENT: if (trim ($this->currentAction) == '') if (!sizeof ($this->actions)) return new Action (array ('name' => 'none'), $this->getCompPath ()); else return current ($this->actions); if (is_object ($this->actions [$this->currentAction])) return $this->actions [$this->currentAction]; $obj = new Action ($this->actions [$this->currentAction], $this->getCompPath ()); $this->actions [$this->currentAction] = $obj; return $obj; case Action::TRSS: if (array_key_exists ('_rss', $this->actions) && is_object ($this->actions ['_rss'])) return $this->actions ['_rss']; $obj = new Action (array ('label' => __ ('Feed RSS'), 'name' => '_rss'), $this->getCompPath ()); $obj->setFreeAccess (TRUE); $this->actions ['_rss'] = $obj; return $obj; case Action::TREGISTER: if (array_key_exists ('_register', $this->actions) && is_object ($this->actions ['_register'])) return $this->actions ['_register']; $obj = new Action (array ('label' => __ ('User Register'), 'name' => '_register'), $this->getCompPath ()); $obj->setFreeAccess (TRUE); $this->actions ['_register'] = $obj; return $obj; case Action::TMODIFY: if (array_key_exists ('_modify', $this->actions) && is_object ($this->actions ['_modify'])) return $this->actions ['_modify']; $obj = new Action (array ('label' => __ ('Update Personal Data'), 'name' => '_modify'), $this->getCompPath ()); $obj->setFreeAccess (TRUE); $this->actions ['_modify'] = $obj; return $obj; case Action::TSCRIPT: if (array_key_exists ('_script', $this->actions) && is_object ($this->actions ['_script'])) return $this->actions ['_script']; $obj = new Action (array ('label' => __ ('Script'), 'name' => '_script'), $this->getCompPath ()); $obj->setFreeAccess (TRUE); $this->actions ['_script'] = $obj; return $obj; case Action::TJOB: if (array_key_exists ('_job', $this->actions) && is_object ($this->actions ['_job'])) return $this->actions ['_job']; $obj = new Action (array ('label' => __ ('Job Scheduler'), 'name' => '_job'), $this->getCompPath ()); $obj->setFreeAccess (TRUE); $this->actions ['_job'] = $obj; return $obj; case Action::TLUCENE: if (array_key_exists ('_lucene', $this->actions) && is_object ($this->actions ['_lucene'])) return $this->actions ['_lucene']; $obj = new Action (array ('label' => __ ('Global Search'), 'name' => '_lucene'), $this->getCompPath ()); $obj->setFreeAccess (TRUE); $this->actions ['_lucene'] = $obj; return $obj; case Action::TAPI: if (array_key_exists ('_api', $this->actions) && is_object ($this->actions ['_api'])) return $this->actions ['_api']; $obj = new Action (array ('label' => 'API', 'name' => '_api'), $this->getCompPath ()); $obj->setFreeAccess (TRUE); $this->actions ['_api'] = $obj; return $obj; } if (array_key_exists ($name, $this->actions)) { if (is_object ($this->actions [$name])) return $this->actions [$name]; $obj = new Action ($this->actions [$name], $this->getCompPath ()); $this->actions [$name] = $obj; return $obj; } if ($force) throw new Exception (__ ('The requested action do not exists! Maybe its necessary define in configuration file of section [config.inc.xml].')); return $this->getAction (Action::TDEFAULT); } public function actionExists ($name) { return array_key_exists ($name, $this->actions); } public function setCurrent ($action = FALSE) { if ($action === FALSE) $action = isset ($_GET ['toAction']) ? $_GET ['toAction'] : FALSE; if ($action === FALSE || (!is_string ($action) && !is_integer ($action)) || !is_array ($this->actions) || !array_key_exists ($action, $this->actions)) $action = $this->getAction (Action::TDEFAULT)->getName (); elseif (!$this->getAction ($action)->freeAccess () && !User::singleton ()->accessAction ($action, $this->getName ())) { Message::singleton ()->addWarning ('You do not have the necessary permissions to access this action!'); $action = $this->getAction (Action::TDEFAULT)->getName (); } $this->currentAction = $action; } public function getPermission ($name = FALSE) { if ($name === FALSE) { $permission = each ($this->permissions); if ($permission !== FALSE) return $permission ['value']; reset ($this->permissions); return NULL; } if (array_key_exists ($name, $this->permissions)) return $this->permissions [$name]; return NULL; } public function getDirective ($name = FALSE) { if ($name === FALSE) { $directive = each ($this->directives); if ($directive !== FALSE) return $directive ['value']; reset ($this->directives); return NULL; } if (array_key_exists ($name, $this->directives)) return $this->directives [$name]; return NULL; } public function adminAccessible () { return $this->adminAccess; } public function setLabel ($label) { $this->label = $label; } public function getLabel () { $this->label = translate ($this->label); return translate ($this->label); } public function setName ($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName () { return $this->name; } public function setComponent ($component) { $this->component = $component; $alternative = Instance::singleton ()->getReposPath () .'component/'. $component .'/'; if (file_exists ($component) && is_dir ($component)) $this->compPath = $component; elseif (file_exists ($alternative) && is_dir ($alternative)) $this->compPath = $alternative; else throw new Exception ('Not found a valid path to component ['. $component .']. Verify if its name is correct in [business.xml].'); } public function getComponent () { return $this->component; } public function getCompPath () { return $this->compPath; } public function getComponentPath () { return $this->getCompPath (); } public function setFather ($father) { $this->father = $father; } public function getFather () { return $this->father; } public function setIcon ($icon) { $this->icon = trim ($icon); } public function getIcon () { return $this->icon; } public function setDescription ($description) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription () { $this->description = translate ($this->description); return $this->description; } public function setDoc ($doc) { $this->doc = $doc; } public function isFake () { return (bool) $this->fake; } public function isHidden () { return (bool) $this->hidden; } public function getDoc ($action = FALSE) { $b1 = translate ($this->doc); if ($action === FALSE) { $path = $this->getCompPath () .'_doc/.'. Localization::singleton ()->getLanguage () .'.txt'; if (file_exists ($path)) { $b2 = file_get_contents ($path); if (trim ($b1) != '' && trim ($b2) != '') return $b1 ."\n\n". $b2; return $b1 . $b2; } return $b1; } if (!$this->actionExists ($action)) return ''; $b1 = $this->getAction ($action)->getDoc (); $path = $this->getCompPath () .'_doc/'. $this->getAction ($action)->getEngine () .'.'. Localization::singleton ()->getLanguage () .'.txt'; if (file_exists ($path)) { $b2 = file_get_contents ($path); if (trim ($b1) != '' && trim ($b2) != '') return $b1 ."\n\n". $b2; return $b1 . $b2; } return $b1; } function getPath () { return 'section' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getName () . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } }