<?php /** * Implements the menu of actions (not global menu of application). * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com> * @category class * @package core * @subpackage business * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause) * @see Instance, Business, Action, Section */ class Menu { static private $menu = FALSE; private $array = array (); const ACTION = 'MenuAction'; const PRINTER = 'MenuPrint'; const PDF = 'MenuPdf'; const CSV = 'MenuCsv'; const SEARCH = 'MenuSearch'; const JS = 'MenuJs'; const RSS = 'MenuRss'; const SAVE = 'MenuSave'; const DELETE = 'MenuDelete'; const SUBMENU = 'MenuSubmenu'; public final function __construct ($input) { if (is_array ($input)) foreach ($input as $trash => $item) { if (array_key_exists ('function', $item) && trim ($item ['function']) != '') $drive = ucfirst ($item ['function']); elseif (array_key_exists ('action', $item)) $drive = 'Action'; else continue; if ($aux = self::factory ($drive, $item)) if (array_key_exists ('id', $item) && trim ($item ['id']) != '') $this->array [$item ['id']] = $aux; else $this->array [] = $aux; } } static public function factory ($drive, $array) { if (!file_exists (Instance::singleton ()->getReposPath () .'menu/'. $drive .'/'. $drive .'.php')) return NULL; require_once Instance::singleton ()->getReposPath () .'menu/'. $drive .'/'. $drive .'.php'; $class = 'Menu'. $drive; if (!class_exists ($class, FALSE)) return NULL; return new $class ($array); } static public function singleton ($input = FALSE) { if (self::$menu !== FALSE) return self::$menu; $class = __CLASS__; self::$menu = new $class ($input); return self::$menu; } public function remove ($match) { foreach ($this->array as $key => $item) if (get_class ($item) == $match) unset ($this->array [$key]); } public function isEmpty () { return !sizeof ($this->array); } public function add ($action, $label, $itemId, $section, $img = FALSE, $id = NULL) { if (is_null ($id) || empty ($id)) $this->array [] = self::factory ('Action', array ('action' => $action, 'label' => $label, 'itemId' => $itemId, 'section' => $section, 'image' => $img)); else $this->array [$id] = self::factory ('Action', array ('action' => $action, 'label' => $label, 'itemId' => $itemId, 'section' => $section, 'image' => $img)); } public function del ($id) { if (array_key_exists ($id, $this->array)) unset ($this->array [$id]); } public function addPrint ($label = '', $img = '') { $this->array [] = self::factory ('Print', array ('label' => $label, 'image' => $img)); } public function addPdf ($label = '', $img = '') { $this->array [] = self::factory ('Pdf', array ('label' => $label, 'image' => $img)); } public function addCsv ($label = '', $img = '') { $this->array [] = self::factory ('Csv', array ('label' => $label, 'image' => $img)); } public function addSearch ($label = '', $img = '') { $this->array [] = self::factory ('Search', array ('label' => $label, 'image' => $img)); } public function addJavaScript ($label, $img, $js) { $this->array [] = self::factory ('Js', array ('label' => $label, 'image' => $img, 'js' => $js)); } public function addRss ($label = '', $img = '') { $this->array [] = self::factory ('Rss', array ('label' => $label, 'image' => $img)); } public function addSave ($label = '', $img = '', $goTo = '') { $this->array [] = self::factory ('Save', array ('label' => $label, 'image' => $img, 'go-to' => $goTo)); } public function addDelete ($label = '', $img = '') { $this->array [] = self::factory ('Delete', array ('label' => $label, 'image' => $img)); } public function addSubmenu ($label, $img, $item) { $this->array [] = self::factory ('Submenu', array ('label' => $label, 'image' => $img, 'item' => $item)); } public function get () { $item = each ($this->array); if ($item === FALSE) { reset ($this->array); return NULL; } return $item ['value']->getMenuItem (); } public function getItem () { $item = each ($this->array); if ($item === FALSE) { reset ($this->array); return NULL; } return $item ['value']; } }