<?php /** * This class contains logic mapping for business layer. * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com> * @category class * @package core * @subpackage business * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause) * @see Instance, Section, Action */ class Business { static private $business = FALSE; private $sections = array (); private $sectionDefault = ''; private $currentSection = ''; private final function __construct () { $array = Instance::singleton ()->getBusiness (); if (!array_key_exists ('xml-path', $array)) throw new Exception ('Não foi encontrada a propriedade [xml-path] na tag <business-layer></business-layer> do arquivo [configure/titan.xml]!'); $file = $array ['xml-path']; if (!file_exists ($file)) throw new Exception ('O arquivo de configuração da Camada de Negócios do Titan não existe no caminho ['. $file .'].'); $cacheFile = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'parsed/'. fileName ($file) .'_'. md5_file ($file) .'.php'; if (file_exists ($cacheFile)) $array = include $cacheFile; else { $xml = new Xml ($file); $array = $xml->getArray (); $array = $array ['section-mapping'][0]; xmlCache ($cacheFile, $array); } if (array_key_exists ('section', $array)) { if (!is_array ($array ['section'])) $array ['section'] = array ($array ['section']); foreach ($array ['section'] as $key => $section) { if (!array_key_exists ('name', $section) || array_key_exists ($section ['name'], $this->sections)) continue; if (array_key_exists ('default', $section) && strtoupper ($section ['default']) == 'TRUE') $this->sectionDefault = $section ['name']; $this->sections [$section ['name']] = new Section ($section); } reset ($this->sections); } } static public function singleton () { if (self::$business !== FALSE) return self::$business; $class = __CLASS__; self::$business = new $class (); return self::$business; } static public function reload () { self::$business = FALSE; } public function getSection ($name = FALSE, $listFake = FALSE) { if ($name === FALSE) { do { $section = each ($this->sections); } while ($section !== FALSE && !$listFake && $section ['value']->isFake ()); if ($section !== FALSE) return $section ['value']; reset ($this->sections); return NULL; } if ($name === Section::TDEFAULT) { if (trim ($this->sectionDefault) == '') return current ($this->sections); return $this->sections [$this->sectionDefault]; } if ($name === Section::TCURRENT) { if (trim ($this->currentSection) == '') return current ($this->sections); return $this->sections [$this->currentSection]; } if (array_key_exists ($name, $this->sections)) return $this->sections [$name]; return NULL; } public function getAction ($name = FALSE, $force = FALSE) { $section = $this->getSection (Section::TCURRENT); return $section->getAction ($name, $force); } public function setCurrent ($section = FALSE, $action = FALSE) { $section = is_object ($section) ? $section->getName () : $section; $action = is_object ($action) ? $action->getName () : $action; $public = array ('_rss', '_script', '_job', '_modify', '_api'); if ($section === FALSE) $section = isset ($_GET ['toSection']) ? $_GET ['toSection'] : FALSE; if ($section === FALSE || !array_key_exists ($section, $this->sections)) $section = $this->getSection (Section::TDEFAULT)->getName (); elseif (!in_array ($action, $public) && (!Security::singleton ()->allowRegister ($section) && !User::singleton ()->accessSection ($section))) { Message::singleton ()->addWarning (__ ('You dont have permission to access this section! ['. $section .'/'. $action .']')); $section = $this->getSection (Section::TDEFAULT)->getName (); } $this->currentSection = $section; $this->sections [$section]->setCurrent ($action); } public function sectionExists ($name) { return array_key_exists ($name, $this->sections); } public function getChildren ($father) { $array = array (); while ($section = $this->getSection (FALSE, TRUE)) if ($section->getFather () == $father) $array [$section->getName ()] = $section; return $array; } public function setSectionDefault ($s) { $s = trim ($s); if ($s == '' || !$this->sectionExists ($s)) return FALSE; $this->sectionDefault = $s; return TRUE; } }