
 fixed: XOAD_HTML is included when XOAD is loaded;
        in previous version XOAD_HTML was included
        only on callback;

 fixed: XOAD_Client::register(...); nested objects
        were not serialized as objects, but as the
        string "object";

 added: XOAD_HTML::cssQuery; Example:

        $a =& XOAD_HTML::cssQuery('div + div + div');
        $a->style['color'] = 'red';

 added: Prototype support; Big thanks to Ronald Nikel; (major, preview)

 note:  please read the INSTALL file; there are some
        security notes;

 note:  extensions are turned off by default; you
        should manually edit
        'config/extensions.config.php' to enable only
        the extension you'll use;

 added: XOAD_Controls extension; this extension
        allows you to register custom client

 added: XOAD Controls Library initial version;

 added: after a lot of thinking, I've decided to add
        support for Internet Explorer 5.

 fixed: the Cache extension directory was renamed to
        cache (all lower-case); extensions should not
        include upper-case letters.

 fixed: several JS warnings under Firefox (thanks
        humeniuc); (major)

 major: NAJAX has been renamed to XOAD - XmlHttp
        Object oriented Application Development;

 added: XOAD_Cache extension; you can cache callback
        requests to the server so the next time you
        execute them again they will be loaded from
        the cache;

 fixed: GET parameters were not exported to the
        client; (minor)                         09/20/2005

 fixed: small bug-fixes in the chatAdvanced example -
        the error dialog was removed;

 added: xoad.html.importForm (imports an associative
        array to the corresponding form elements)
        and xoad.html.exportForm (exports form values
        to an associative array);

 added: support for asynchronous calls canceling; (major)                         09/18/2005

 fixed: serious bug in XOAD Events; some events were
        posted more than once in case of a slow
        connection to the server;

 added: support for Server Extensions and
        Client observers; you can extend XOAD
        as much as you want;

 added: XOAD_HTML extension - tutorial coming

 added: new example scripts - Exam and HTML;
        new tutorial - XOAD Page Skeleton;

 added: XOAD Events providers now support the 'port'
        parameter; big thanks to Jurriën Stutterheim;

 fixed: the new client error handling introduced in RC1 - instead of 'onMethodName' it
        was calling 'OnmethodName'; RC1 (major)                     08/29/2005

 added: XOAD Client Event System (XOAD Events);

 added: MySQL provider for XOAD Events; you can configure
        it from xoad.config.php;

 added: XOAD_Server::allowClasses(...);

 added: XOAD_Server::denyClasses(...);

 added: xoad.asyncCall in xoad.js (xoad_optimized.js);
        pass it as last argument to function calls and
        they'll be called asynchronously:

        client.Test();					//  Synchronous
        client.Test(xoad.asyncCall);	//	Asynchronous

 added: better client error handling; you can create
        custom method error handlers, like this:

        client.onTestError = function(error) {
        	return true;


        Note that you must return true to suppress
        exception bubbling;

 fixed: when a class performs a callback,
        XOAD_Server::runServer(...) validates the
        callback - checks if the class is allowed
        and if the called method is public; (minor)                         08/08/2005

 comment: JavaScript functions have been renamed to

 fixed:   XOAD_Server::initializeCallback(...) now
          checks if the called method is public;

          been moved to xoad.config.php;

 comment: publicMethods(...), privateMethods(...),
          publicVariables(...), privateVariables(...)
          and mapMethods(...) have been moved from
          XOAD_Utilities to XOAD_Client;	(minor)                         08/04/2005

 added:   XOAD_Server support for server side events;

 fixed:   xoad_optimized.js has been compressed using

 fixed:   Package documentation has been updated;

 comment: XOAD_Server::initialize(...) has been renamed
          to XOAD_Server::runServer(...); (minor)                         08/01/2005

 added: XOAD_Server::mapClass(...); use this method
        to map class names to the files where they are
        defined; only the class that is the source of the
        callback will be loaded;

 added: The Chat example now supports emoticons and

 fixed: __clone is now using xoadClone(...) to merge
        two objects; when a method deletes a member
        it's value will be null; when a method adds
        a new member it will be available immediately
        after the call ends; (minor)                         07/31/2005

 fixed: The Chat example; the class name is 'Explorer',
        but the script was using 'explorer'; (initial)                       07/31/2005

 comment: First public release;