INSTALL -------- 1) Make sure XOAD has both read and write access to the /var directory. You should chmod it to 777. 2) For security reasons, please edit the XOAD_SERIALIZER_SKIP_STRING constant (in 'config/xoad.config.php', line 43). Append '<![xoadSerializer:skipString[' with some random string (at least 10 characters long). Example: define('XOAD_SERIALIZER_SKIP_STRING', '<![xoadSerializer:skipString[-envLOOPwHaT-['); 3) If you would like to use the MySQL provider for the Client Event System (XOAD Events) you should run the following SQL code in your database: CREATE TABLE `xoad_events` ( `id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `event` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `className` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `filter` VARCHAR(100) NULL, `sender` TEXT NULL, `data` TEXT NULL, `time` DOUBLE UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `endTime` DOUBLE UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`id`), INDEX(`event`, `className`, `filter`, `time`, `endTime`) ); If you're going to use another provider (not MySQL) please refer to the README or INSTALL file included in it. Note, that some providers do not require installation. 4) If you would like to use the MySQL provider for XOAD_Cache you should run the following SQL code in your database: CREATE TABLE `xoad_cache` ( `id` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `expire` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `data` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`id`), INDEX(`expire`) ); If you're going to use another provider (not MySQL) please refer to the README or INSTALL file included in it. Note, that some providers do not require installation.