 * Load LDAP definitions.
 * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com>
 * @category class
 * @package core
 * @subpackage security
 * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework
 * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause)
 * @see Security, User, UserType, Group, AjaxLogon, AjaxPasswd, LdapClass
class Ldap
	private $array = array ();

	private $ds = NULL;

	private $connected = FALSE;

	const SHA1 = 'SHA1';
	const MD5  = 'MD5';

	private $classes = array ();

	public function __construct ($input)
		$this->array = array (	'id'		=> '',
								'host' 		=> '',
								'user'		=> '',
								'password'	=> '',
								'gid'		=> '',
								'dn'		=> '',
								'ou'		=> '',
								'update'	=> TRUE);

		foreach ($this->array as $key => $value)
			if (array_key_exists ($key, $input))
				if (is_bool ($value))
					$this->array [$key] = strtoupper ($input [$key]) == 'TRUE' ? TRUE : FALSE;
					$this->array [$key] = $input [$key];

		if (array_key_exists ('password-hash', $input))
			$this->setPasswordHash ($input ['password-hash']);

		if (!array_key_exists ('class', $input) || !is_array ($input ['class']))
			$input ['class'] = array ();

		foreach ($input ['class'] as $trash => $class)
			if (!array_key_exists ('name', $class) || trim ($class ['name']) == '')

			$this->classes [trim ($class ['name'])] = $class;

		$default = array (	'top' => array ('name' => 'top'),
							'person' => array ('name' => 'person'),
							'posixAccount' => array ('name' => 'posixAccount'),
							'inetOrgPerson' => array ('name' => 'inetOrgPerson'));

		if (!array_key_exists ('top', $this->classes))
			$this->classes = array_merge ($default, $this->classes);

	public function __get ($key)
		if (!array_key_exists ($key, $this->array))
			return NULL;

		return $this->array [$key];

	public function factory ($drive, $array)
		if (array_key_exists ('path', $array) && trim ($array ['path']) != '' && is_dir ($array ['path']))
			$path = trim ($array ['path']);
			$path = Instance::singleton ()->getReposPath () .'ldap/'. $drive .'/';

		if (!file_exists ($path . $drive .'.php'))
			return NULL;

		$class = 'Ldap'. ucfirst ($drive);

		if (!class_exists ($class, FALSE))
			require_once $path . $drive .'.php';

		if (!class_exists ($class, FALSE))
			return NULL;

		return new $class ($this, $path, $array);

	public function getId ()
		return $this->id;

	public function getHost ()
		return $this->host;

	public function getGroupId ()
		return $this->gid;

	public function getOu ()
		return $this->ou;

	public function getDn ()
		return $this->dn;

	public function getDs ()
		return $this->ds;

	public function updateOnLogon ()
		return $this->update;

	public function isConnected ()
		return (bool) $this->connected;

	public function setPasswordHash ($pHash)
		switch (strtoupper (trim ($pHash)))
			case self::MD5:

				$this->passHash = self::MD5;


			case self::SHA1:

				$this->passHash = self::SHA1;

	public function encryptPassword ($passwd)
		switch ($this->passHash)
			case self::MD5:

				return '{MD5}'. base64_encode (pack ('H*', md5 ($passwd)));

			case self::SHA1:

				return '{SHA}'. base64_encode (pack ('H*', sha1 ($passwd)));

	public function getClasses ()
		return array_keys ($this->classes);

	public function getEssentialInput ($uid, $name, $email, $password, $id)
		$input = array ('uid' => $uid, 'objectclass' => $this->getClasses ());

		foreach ($this->classes as $drive => $class)
			if (!is_object ($class))
				$this->classes [$drive] = $this->factory ($drive, $class);

			$input = array_merge ($input, $this->classes [$drive]->genRequiredFields ($uid, $name, $email, $password, $id));

		return $input;

	public function getEssentialPassword ($uid, $password)
		$input = array ();

		foreach ($this->classes as $drive => $class)
			if (!is_object ($class))
				$this->classes [$drive] = $this->factory ($drive, $class);

			$input = array_merge ($input, $this->classes [$drive]->genPasswordFields ($uid, $password));

		return $input;

	public function connect ($uid = FALSE, $passwd = FALSE, $asAdmin = FALSE)
		$this->ds = ldap_connect ($this->host);

		if (!$this->ds)
			throw new Exception (__ ('Impossible to connect on LDAP server! [[1]]', ldap_error ($this->ds)));

		if (!ldap_set_option ($this->ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3))
			throw new Exception (__ ('Impossble to enable TLS for LDAP connection! [[1]]', ldap_error ($this->ds)));

		set_error_handler ('logPhpError');

		if ($asAdmin)
			$bind = ldap_bind ($this->ds, 'cn='. $this->user .','. $this->dn, $this->password);
		elseif ($uid === FALSE || $passwd === FALSE)
			$bind = ldap_bind ($this->ds);
			$bind = ldap_bind ($this->ds, 'uid='. $uid .',ou='. $this->ou .','. $this->dn, $passwd);

		restore_error_handler ();

		if (!$bind)
			return FALSE;

		$this->connected = TRUE;

		return TRUE;

	public function create ($input, $uid = FALSE)
		if ($uid === FALSE)
			if (!array_key_exists ('uid', $input))
				return FALSE;
				$uid = $input ['uid'];

		set_error_handler ('logPhpError');

		$flag = ldap_add ($this->ds, 'uid='. $uid .',ou='. $this->ou .','. $this->dn, $input);

		restore_error_handler ();

		if (!$flag)
			throw new Exception (__ ('Impossble to create LDAP entry! [[1]]', ldap_error ($this->ds)));

		return TRUE;

	public function delete ($uid)
		set_error_handler ('logPhpError');

		$flag = ldap_delete ($this->ds, 'uid='. $uid .',ou='. $this->ou .','. $this->dn);

		restore_error_handler ();

		if (!$flag)
			throw new Exception (__ ('Impossible to delete LDAP entry! [[1]]', ldap_error ($this->ds)));

		return TRUE;

	public function load ($uid, $fields = FALSE)
		if (!is_array ($fields))
			$fields = array ();

		$filter = '(&(uid='. $uid .'))';

		$info = $this->search ($fields, $filter);

		if (!(int) $info ['count'])
			throw new Exception (__ ('User not found in LDAP server! [[1]]', $uid));

		$result = array ();
		foreach ($info [0] as $key => $array)
			if (is_array ($array))
				$result [$key] = $array [0];

		return $result;

	public function update ($input, $uid = FALSE)
		if ($uid === FALSE)
			if (!array_key_exists ('uid', $input))
				return FALSE;
				$uid = $input ['uid'];

		set_error_handler ('logPhpError');

		$flag = ldap_modify ($this->ds, 'uid='. $uid .',ou='. $this->ou .','. $this->dn, $input);

		restore_error_handler ();

		if (!$flag)
			throw new Exception (__ ('Impossible to edit LDAP entry! [[1]]', ldap_error ($this->ds)));

		return TRUE;

	public function move ($uid, $new)
		if (!is_object ($new) || get_class ($new) != __CLASS__)
			throw new Exception (__ ('Impossble to move LDAP entry! [[1]]', print_r ($new, TRUE)));

		set_error_handler ('logPhpError');

		$flag = ldap_rename ($this->ds, 'uid='. $uid .',ou='. $this->ou .','. $this->dn, 'uid='. $uid .',ou='. $new->getOu () .','. $new->getDn (), TRUE);

		restore_error_handler ();

		if (!$flag)
			throw new Exception (__ ('Impossble to move LDAP entry! [[1]]', ldap_error ($this->ds)));

		return TRUE;

	public function search ($fields, $filter)
		set_error_handler ('logPhpError');

		$search = ldap_search ($this->ds, 'ou='. $this->ou .','. $this->dn, $filter, $fields);

			ldap_sort($this->ds, $sr, $orderParam);

   		$this->rows = ldap_count_entries($this->ds,$search);

		$info = ldap_get_entries ($this->ds, $search);

		restore_error_handler ();

		return $info;

	public function userExists ($uid)
		$info = $this->search (array (), '(&(uid='. $uid .'))');

		return (int) $info ['count'];

	public function close ()
		@ldap_close ($this->ds);

		$this->connected = FALSE;

	public static function toLdap ($field)
		if (!is_object ($field))
			return $field;

		$instance = Instance::singleton ();

		$db = Database::singleton ();

		$type = get_class ($field);

			$file = $instance->getTypePath ($type) .'toLdap.php';

			if (file_exists ($file))
				return include $file;

			$type = get_parent_class ($type);

		} while ($type != 'Type' && $type !== FALSE);

		return removeAccents (Form::toText ($field));

	public static function fromLdap ($field, $value)
		if (!is_object ($field))
			return NULL;

		$instance = Instance::singleton ();

		$type = get_class ($field);

			$file = $instance->getTypePath ($type) .'fromLdap.php';

			if (file_exists ($file))
				return include $file;

			$type = get_parent_class ($type);

		} while ($type != 'Type' && $type !== FALSE);

		if (method_exists ($field, 'getMaxLength') && (int) $field->getMaxLength ())
			$value = substr ($value, 0, $field->getMaxLength ());

		$field->setValue ($value);

		return $field;