<?php /** * Help to get version and build numbers of Titan. * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com> * @category class * @package core * @subpackage util * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause) * @see Instance */ class VersionHelper { static private $helper = FALSE; private $titanVersion = ''; private $titanBuild = ''; private $usingAutoDeploy = FALSE; private $appVersion = ''; private $appBuild = ''; private $appEnvironment = ''; private $appDate = ''; private $appAuthor = ''; private final function __construct () { $coreUpdatePath = Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'update'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->titanVersion = trim (file_get_contents ($coreUpdatePath .'VERSION')); $this->titanBuild = trim (file_get_contents ($coreUpdatePath .'STABLE')); $appVersionPath = 'update'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'VERSION'; if (file_exists ($appVersionPath) && is_readable ($appVersionPath)) $this->appVersion = trim (file_get_contents ($appVersionPath, 0, NULL, 0, 16)); $appReleasePath = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'RELEASE'; if (file_exists ($appReleasePath) && is_readable ($appReleasePath)) { $file = parse_ini_file ($appReleasePath); if (is_array ($file)) { $autoDeploy = TRUE; $requiredKeys = array ('version', 'environment', 'date', 'author'); foreach ($requiredKeys as $trash => $key) if (!array_key_exists ($key, $file) || trim ((string) $file [$key]) == '') $autoDeploy = FALSE; if ($autoDeploy) { $this->usingAutoDeploy = TRUE; $this->appBuild = trim ($file ['version']); $this->appEnvironment = trim ($file ['environment']); $this->appDate = strftime ('%x %X', trim ($file ['date'])); $this->appAuthor = trim ($file ['author']); } } } } static public function singleton () { if (self::$helper !== FALSE) return self::$helper; $class = __CLASS__; self::$helper = new $class (); return self::$helper; } public function getTitanVersion () { return $this->titanVersion; } public function getTitanBuild () { return $this->titanBuild; } public function getTitanRelease () { return $this->getTitanVersion () .'-'. $this->getTitanBuild (); } public function usingAutoDeploy () { return $this->usingAutoDeploy; } public function getAppVersion () { return $this->appVersion; } public function getAppBuild () { return $this->appBuild; } public function getAppRelease () { return $this->getAppVersion () .'-'. $this->getAppBuild (); } public function getAppEnvironment () { return $this->appEnvironment; } public function getAppDate () { return $this->appDate; } public function getAppAuthor () { return $this->appAuthor; } }