aFunctions = array(); $this->aCallableObjects = array(); $this->aEvents = array( "beforeProcessing" => array(), "afterProcessing" => array(), "onMissingFunction" => array(), "onProcessingError" => array() ); $this->sRequestURI = $sRequestURI; if ($this->sRequestURI == "") $this->sRequestURI = $this->_detectURI(); $this->sWrapperPrefix = "xajax_"; $this->setFlags(array( "debug" => false, "statusMessages" => false, "waitCursor" => true, "exitAllowed" => true, "errorHandler" => false, "cleanBuffer" => false, "decodeUTF8Input" => false, "outputEntities" => false, "allowBlankResponse" => false)); $this->sLogFile = ""; $this->setCharEncoding(XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING); $this->iTimeout = 6000; // Setup plugin manager $oPluginManager =& xajaxPluginManager::getInstance(); $sMandatoryPluginFolder = dirname(__FILE__) . "/plugin_layer"; $oPluginManager->addPluginFolder($sMandatoryPluginFolder); $sOptionalPluginFolder = dirname(dirname(__FILE__))."/xajax_plugins"; if ($oPluginManager->addPluginFolder($sOptionalPluginFolder)) { // TODO...load plugins? } $oPluginManager->loadPluginFile("xajaxDefaultRequestProcessorPlugin"); $oPluginManager->registerRequestProcessorPlugin(new xajaxDefaultRequestProcessorPlugin()); $oPluginManager->loadPluginFile("xajaxDefaultIncludePlugin"); $oPluginManager->registerIncludePlugin(new xajaxDefaultIncludePlugin()); } /** * Returns an {@link xajaxResponse} object set up with this xajax object's * encoding and entity settings. Use this for singleton-pattern response * development. * * @return xajaxResponse */ function &getGlobalResponse() { static $obj; if (!$obj) { $obj = new xajaxResponse($this->sEncoding, $this->bOutputEntities); } return $obj; } /** * Returns the current xajax version. * * @return string */ function getVersion() { return 'xajax 0.5 Beta 1'; } /** * Sets multiple flags based on the supplied associative array (see * {@link xajax::setFlag()} for flag names) * * @param array */ function setFlags($flags) { foreach ($flags as $name => $value) { $this->setFlag($name, $value); } } /** * Sets a flag (boolean true or false). Available flags with their defaults * are as follows: * * * * @param string name of flag * @param boolean */ function setFlag($name, $value) { $sVar = "b" . ucfirst($name); if (array_key_exists($sVar, get_object_vars($this))) { $this->$sVar = (boolean)$value; } else { trigger_error("The flag \"$name\" could not be found", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Returns the value of the flag * * @return boolean */ function getFlag($name) { $sVar = "b" . ucfirst($name); if (array_key_exists($sVar, get_object_vars($this))) { return $this->$sVar; } else { return NULL; } } /** * Sets the timeout before xajax notifies the client that xajax has not been loaded * Usage: $xajax->setTimeout(6000); * * @param integer the number of milliseconds, or 0 to disable */ function setTimeout($iTimeout) { $this->iTimeout = $iTimeout; } /** * Returns the xajax Javascript timeout * * @return integer the number of milliseconds (or 0 if disabled) */ function getTimeout() { return $this->iTimeout; } /** * Sets the URI to which requests will be made. * Usage: $xajax->setRequestURI(""); * * @param string the URI (can be absolute or relative) of the PHP script * that will be accessed when an xajax request occurs */ function setRequestURI($sRequestURI) { $this->sRequestURI = $sRequestURI; } /** * Returns the current request URI * * @return string */ function getRequestURI() { return $this->sRequestURI; } /** * Sets the prefix that will be appended to the Javascript wrapper * functions (default is "xajax_"). * * @param string */ function setWrapperPrefix($sPrefix) { $this->sWrapperPrefix = $sPrefix; } /** * Returns the Javascript wrapper prefix * * @return string */ function getWrapperPrefix() { return $this->sWrapperPrefix; } /** * Specifies a log file that will be written to by xajax during a request * (used only by the error handling system at present). If you don't invoke * this method, or you pass in "", then no log file will be written to. * Usage: $xajax->setLogFile("/xajax_logs/errors.log"); */ function setLogFile($sFilename) { $this->sLogFile = $sFilename; } /** * Returns the log file to use for error output (or "" if no log file is * to be used) * * @return string */ function getLogFile() { return $this->sLogFile; } /** * Sets the character encoding for the HTTP output based on * $sEncoding, which is a string containing the character * encoding to use. You don't need to use this method normally, since the * character encoding for the response gets set automatically based on the * XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING constant. * Usage: $xajax->setCharEncoding("utf-8"); * * @param string the encoding type to use (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.) */ function setCharEncoding($sEncoding) { $this->sEncoding = $sEncoding; } /** * Returns the character encoding for the HTTP output * * @return string */ function getCharEncoding() { return $this->sEncoding; } /** * Registers a PHP function or method to be callable through xajax in your * Javascript. If you want to register a function, pass in the name of that * function. If you want to register a static class method, pass in an * array like so: * array("myFunctionName", "myClass", "myMethod") * For an object instance method, use an object variable for the second * array element (and in PHP 4 make sure you put an & before the variable * to pass the object by reference). Note: the function name is what you * call via Javascript, so it can be anything as long as it doesn't * conflict with any other registered function name. * * Usage: $xajax->registerFunction("myFunction"); * or: $xajax->registerFunction(array("myFunctionName", &$myObject, "myMethod")); * * @param mixed contains the function name or an object callback array * @param string a PHP file to include before the function is called * (optional) */ function registerFunction($mFunction,$sIncludeFile=null) { if (is_array($mFunction)) { $this->aFunctions[$mFunction[0]] = array("callback" => array_slice($mFunction, 1)); } else { $this->aFunctions[$mFunction] = array("callback" => $mFunction); } if ($sIncludeFile) { if (is_array($mFunction)) { $this->aFunctions[$mFunction[0]]["include"] = $sIncludeFile; } else { $this->aFunctions[$mFunction]["include"] = $sIncludeFile; } } } /** * Registers an object whose methods will be searched for a match to the * incoming request function name. If more than one callable object is * registered, the first object that contains a method having the same name * as the incoming function will be called. */ function registerCallableObject(&$oObject) { if (is_object($oObject)) { $this->aCallableObjects[get_class($oObject)] = &$oObject; } else { trigger_error("The registerCallableObject method requires an object to be provided", E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * Registers a callback with an xajax event. Available events are: * * * * @param mixed standard PHP function or object callback * @param string name of the event */ function registerEvent($mCallback, $sEventName) { if (isset($this->aEvents[$sEventName])) { $this->aEvents[$sEventName][] = $mCallback; } else { trigger_error("The registerEvent method did not recongize the event name: $sEventName", E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * Returns an associative array of registered function definitions * * @return array */ function getRegisteredFunctions() { return $this->aFunctions; } /** * Returns an associative array of callable objects * * @return array */ function getRegisteredCallableObjects() { return $this->aCallableObjects; } /** * Returns an associative array of event definitions * * @return array */ function getRegisteredEvents() { return $this->aEvents; } /** * Returns true if xajax can process the request, false if otherwise. * You can use this to determine if xajax needs to process the request or * not. (executes request processor plugin) * * @return boolean */ function canProcessRequest() { $objPluginManager =& xajaxPluginManager::getInstance(); $objRequestProcessor = $objPluginManager->getRequestProcessorPlugin(); return $objRequestProcessor->canProcessRequest(); } /** * Returns the current request mode (XAJAX_GET or XAJAX_POST), or -1 if * there is none. (executes request processor plugin) * * @return mixed */ function getRequestMode() { $objPluginManager =& xajaxPluginManager::getInstance(); $objRequestProcessor = $objPluginManager->getRequestProcessorPlugin(); return $objRequestProcessor->getRequestMode(); } /** * This is the main communications engine of xajax. The engine handles all * incoming xajax requests, calls the apporiate PHP functions (or * class/object methods) and passes the response back to the * Javascript response handler. If your RequestURI is the same as your Web * page then this function should be called before any headers or HTML has * been sent. (executes request processor plugin) */ function processRequest() { $objPluginManager =& xajaxPluginManager::getInstance(); $objRequestProcessor = $objPluginManager->getRequestProcessorPlugin(); $objRequestProcessor->setXajax($this); if ($objRequestProcessor->canProcessRequest()) { $objRequestProcessor->processRequest(); } } /** * Prints the xajax Javascript header and wrapper code into your page by * printing the output of the getJavascript() method. It should only be * called between the
tags in your HTML page. * Remember, if you only want to obtain the result of this function, use * {@link xajax::getJavascript()} instead. (executes Javascript include * plugin) * * Usage: * * * ... * < ?php $xajax->printJavascript(); ? > * * * @param string the relative address of the folder where xajax has been * installed. For instance, if your PHP file is * "" * and xajax was installed in * "", then $sJsURI * should be set to "../anotherfolder". Defaults to assuming * xajax is in the same folder as your PHP file. * @param string the relative folder/file pair of the xajax Javascript * engine located within the xajax installation folder. * Defaults to xajax_js/xajax.js. */ function printJavascript($sJsURI="", $sJsFile=NULL) { $objPluginManager =& xajaxPluginManager::getInstance(); $objInclude = $objPluginManager->getIncludePlugin(); $objInclude->setXajax($this); $objInclude->setFunctions($this->aFunctions); print $objInclude->getJavascript($sJsURI, $sJsFile); } /** * Returns the xajax Javascript code that should be added to your HTML page * between the tags. (executes Javascript include * plugin) * * Usage: * * < ?php $xajaxJSHead = $xajax->getJavascript(); ? > * * ... * < ?php echo $xajaxJSHead; ? > * * * @param string the relative address of the folder where xajax has been * installed. For instance, if your PHP file is * "" * and xajax was installed in * "", then $sJsURI * should be set to "../anotherfolder". Defaults to assuming * xajax is in the same folder as your PHP file. * @param string the relative folder/file pair of the xajax Javascript * engine located within the xajax installation folder. * Defaults to xajax_js/xajax.js. * @return string */ function getJavascript($sJsURI="", $sJsFile=NULL) { $objPluginManager =& xajaxPluginManager::getInstance(); $objInclude = $objPluginManager->getIncludePlugin(); $objInclude->setXajax($this); $objInclude->setFunctions($this->aFunctions); return $objInclude->getJavascript($sJsURI, $sJsFile); } /** * Returns a string containing inline Javascript that sets up the xajax * runtime (typically called internally by xajax from get/printJavascript). * (executes Javascript include plugin) * * @return string */ function getJavascriptConfig() { $objPluginManager =& xajaxPluginManager::getInstance(); $objInclude = $objPluginManager->getIncludePlugin(); $objInclude->setXajax($this); $objInclude->setFunctions($this->aFunctions); return $objInclude->getJavascriptConfig(); } /** * Returns a string containing a Javascript include of the xajax.js file * along with a check to see if the file loaded after six seconds * (typically called internally by xajax from get/printJavascript). * (executes Javascript include plugin) * * @param string the relative address of the folder where xajax has been * installed. For instance, if your PHP file is * "" * and xajax was installed in * "", then $sJsURI * should be set to "../anotherfolder". Defaults to assuming * xajax is in the same folder as your PHP file. * @param string the relative folder/file pair of the xajax Javascript * engine located within the xajax installation folder. * Defaults to xajax_js/xajax.js. * @return string */ function getJavascriptInclude($sJsURI="", $sJsFile=NULL) { $objPluginManager =& xajaxPluginManager::getInstance(); $objInclude = $objPluginManager->getIncludePlugin(); $objInclude->setXajax($this); $objInclude->setFunctions($this->aFunctions); return $objInclude->getJavascriptInclude($sJsURI, $sJsFile); } /** * This method can be used to create a new xajax.js file out of the * xajax_uncompressed.js file (which will only happen if xajax.js doesn't * already exist on the filesystem). * * @param string an optional argument containing the full server file path * of xajax.js. */ function autoCompressJavascript($sJsFullFilename=NULL) { $sJsFile = "xajax_js/xajax.js"; if ($sJsFullFilename) { $realJsFile = $sJsFullFilename; } else { $realPath = realpath(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $realJsFile = $realPath . "/". $sJsFile; } // Create a compressed file if necessary if (!file_exists($realJsFile)) { $srcFile = str_replace(".js", "_uncompressed.js", $realJsFile); if (!file_exists($srcFile)) { trigger_error("The xajax uncompressed Javascript file could not be found in the " . dirname($realJsFile) . " folder. Error ", E_USER_ERROR); } require(dirname(__FILE__)."/"); $javaScript = implode('', file($srcFile)); $compressedScript = xajaxCompressJavascript($javaScript); $fH = @fopen($realJsFile, "w"); if (!$fH) { trigger_error("The xajax compressed javascript file could not be written in the " . dirname($realJsFile) . " folder. Error ", E_USER_ERROR); } else { fwrite($fH, $compressedScript); fclose($fH); } } } /** * Returns the current URL based upon the SERVER vars. * * @access private * @return string */ function _detectURI() { $aURL = array(); // Try to get the request URL if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $aURL = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } // Fill in the empty values if (empty($aURL['scheme'])) { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_SCHEME'])) { $aURL['scheme'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_SCHEME']; } else { $aURL['scheme'] = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off') ? 'https' : 'http'; } } if (empty($aURL['host'])) { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'], ':') > 0) { list($aURL['host'], $aURL['port']) = explode(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']); } else { $aURL['host'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']; } } else if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ':') > 0) { list($aURL['host'], $aURL['port']) = explode(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } else { $aURL['host'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } } else if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $aURL['host'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } else { print "xajax Error: xajax failed to automatically identify your Request URI."; print "Please set the Request URI explicitly when you instantiate the xajax object."; exit(); } } if (empty($aURL['port']) && !empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) { $aURL['port'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } if (empty($aURL['path'])) { if (!empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { $sPath = parse_url($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); } else { $sPath = parse_url($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } $aURL['path'] = $sPath['path']; unset($sPath); } if (!empty($aURL['query'])) { $aURL['query'] = '?'.$aURL['query']; } // Build the URL: Start with scheme, user and pass $sURL = $aURL['scheme'].'://'; if (!empty($aURL['user'])) { $sURL.= $aURL['user']; if (!empty($aURL['pass'])) { $sURL.= ':'.$aURL['pass']; } $sURL.= '@'; } // Add the host $sURL.= $aURL['host']; // Add the port if needed if (!empty($aURL['port']) && (($aURL['scheme'] == 'http' && $aURL['port'] != 80) || ($aURL['scheme'] == 'https' && $aURL['port'] != 443))) { $sURL.= ':'.$aURL['port']; } // Add the path and the query string $sURL.= $aURL['path'].@$aURL['query']; // Clean up unset($aURL); return $sURL; } }// end class xajax /** * This function is registered with PHP's set_error_handler() function if * the xajax error handling system is turned on. */ function xajaxErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { $errorReporting = error_reporting(); if (($errno & $errorReporting) == 0) return; if ($errno == E_NOTICE) { $errTypeStr = "NOTICE"; } else if ($errno == E_WARNING) { $errTypeStr = "WARNING"; } else if ($errno == E_USER_NOTICE) { $errTypeStr = "USER NOTICE"; } else if ($errno == E_USER_WARNING) { $errTypeStr = "USER WARNING"; } else if ($errno == E_USER_ERROR) { $errTypeStr = "USER FATAL ERROR"; } else if (defined('E_STRICT') && $errno == E_STRICT) { return; } else { $errTypeStr = "UNKNOWN: $errno"; } $GLOBALS['xajaxErrorHandlerText'] .= "\n----\n[$errTypeStr] $errstr\nerror in line $errline of file $errfile"; } ?>