<?php /** * Implements each item of action in icons of listed items. * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com> * @category class * @package core * @subpackage form * @copyright 2005-2017 Titan Framework * @license http://www.titanframework.com/license/ BSD License (3 Clause) * @see Icon, Form, View, Instance, Business */ class IconItem { protected $view = NULL; protected $id = NULL; protected $section = NULL; protected $action = NULL; protected $label = ''; protected $image = ''; protected $variables = array (); protected $accessible = TRUE; public function __construct ($icon, $view = NULL) { if (!is_null ($view) && is_object ($view) != '') $this->view = $view; if (array_key_exists ('id', $icon) && trim ($icon ['id']) != '') $this->id = $icon ['id']; $this->section = array_key_exists ('section', $icon) ? Business::singleton ()->getSection ($icon ['section']) : Business::singleton ()->getSection (Section::TCURRENT); $user = User::singleton (); if (array_key_exists ('action', $icon)) { $this->action = $this->section->getAction ($icon ['action']); if (!$user->accessAction ($this->action->getName (), $this->section->getName ())) $this->accessible = FALSE; } else $this->action = $this->section->getAction (Action::TDEFAULT); if (array_key_exists ('label', $icon)) $this->label = translate ($icon ['label']); if (array_key_exists ('image', $icon)) $this->image = $icon ['image']; elseif ($this->image == '') $this->image = $this->action->getName () .'.gif'; if (array_key_exists ('variable', $icon)) $this->variables = explode (',', $icon ['variable']); if (array_key_exists ('restrict', $icon)) { $aux = explode (',', $icon ['restrict']); foreach ($aux as $trash => $perm) { if ($user->hasPermission ($perm)) continue; $this->accessible = FALSE; break; } } } //abstract public function makeIcon (); //abstract public function makeLink (); protected function iconImage ($image) { $section = Business::singleton ()->getSection (Section::TCURRENT); if (file_exists ($section->getCompPath () .'_icon/'. $image)) return $section->getCompPath () .'_icon/'. $image; return Skin::singleton ()->getIconsFolder () . $image; } public function getId () { return $this->id; } } ?>