<?php $instance = Instance::singleton (); header ('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8', TRUE); if ($instance->onDebugMode ()) { header ('Cache-Control: no-cache'); header ('Pragma: no-cache'); } session_name ($instance->getSession ()); session_start (); require $instance->getCorePath () .'system/control.php'; foreach ($instance->getTypes () as $type => $path) require_once $path . $type .'.php'; $message = Message::singleton (); Business::singleton ()->setSectionDefault (User::singleton ()->getType ()->getHome ()); $business = Business::singleton (); $business->setCurrent (); $section = $business->getSection (Section::TCURRENT); $action = $business->getAction (Action::TCURRENT); $itemId = isset ($_GET['itemId']) ? $_GET['itemId'] : 0; $fatherId = isset ($_GET['fatherId']) ? $_GET['fatherId'] : 0; if (file_exists ($section->getCompPath () .'_class.php')) include $section->getCompPath () .'_class.php'; if (file_exists ($section->getCompPath () .'_function.php')) include $section->getCompPath () .'_function.php'; $_OUTPUT = array (); switch (@$_GET['target']) { default: include $instance->getCorePath () .'output/main.php'; break; case 'body': $_TITAN ['TIME_START'] = microtime (TRUE); define ('XOAD_AUTOHANDLE', true); require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'class/Xoad.php'; if (file_exists ($section->getCompPath () .'_ajax.php')) include $section->getCompPath () .'_ajax.php'; else require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'class/Ajax.php'; $allow = array ('Xoad', 'Ajax'); foreach (Instance::singleton ()->getTypes () as $type => $path) { if (!file_exists ($path .'_ajax.php')) continue; require_once $path . '_ajax.php'; $allow [] = 'x'. $type; } require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'xoad/xoad.php'; XOAD_Server::allowClasses ($allow); if (XOAD_Server::runServer ()) exit (); require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'extra/htmlPurifier/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php'; require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'assembly/menu.php'; require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'assembly/breadcrumb.php'; require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'assembly/section.php'; include Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'output/body.php'; $_TITAN ['TIME_END'] = microtime (TRUE); if (Instance::singleton ()->onDebugMode ()) toLog ('['. $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] .'] proccessed in '. number_format ($_TITAN ['TIME_END'] - $_TITAN ['TIME_START'], 4) .' seconds.'); break; case 'inPlace': define ('XOAD_AUTOHANDLE', true); require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'class/Xoad.php'; if (file_exists ($section->getCompPath () .'_ajax.php')) include $section->getCompPath () .'_ajax.php'; else require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'class/Ajax.php'; $allow = array ('Xoad', 'Ajax'); foreach (Instance::singleton ()->getTypes () as $type => $path) { if (!file_exists ($path .'_ajax.php')) continue; require_once $path . '_ajax.php'; $allow [] = 'x'. $type; } require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'xoad/xoad.php'; XOAD_Server::allowClasses ($allow); if (XOAD_Server::runServer ()) exit (); require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'extra/htmlPurifier/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php'; require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'assembly/section.php'; include Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'output/inPlace.php'; break; case 'top': include $instance->getCorePath () .'output/top.php'; break; case 'print': require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'assembly/breadcrumb.php'; require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'assembly/section.php'; include Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'output/print.php'; break; case 'pdf': require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'assembly/breadcrumb.php'; require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'assembly/section.php'; require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'extra/domPdf/dompdf_config.inc.php'; require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'extra/htmlPurifier/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php'; $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault (); $config->set ('Core', 'Encoding', 'UTF-8'); $config->set ('HTML', 'Doctype', 'HTML 4.01 Strict'); if (!Instance::singleton ()->onDebugMode ()) { $path = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'purifier'; if (!file_exists ($path) && !@mkdir ($path, 0777)) throw new Exception ('ImpossÃvel criar diretório ['. $path .'].'); $config->set ('Cache', 'SerializerPath', $path); } else $config->set ('Cache', 'DefinitionImpl', NULL); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier ($config); $dompdf = new DOMPDF (); ob_start (); include Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'output/pdf.php'; $dompdf->load_html ($purifier->purify (ob_get_clean ())); $dompdf->render (); $dompdf->stream ('titan.pdf'); break; case 'csv': include $instance->getCorePath () .'output/csv.php'; break; case 'commit': include $instance->getCorePath () .'system/commit.php'; break; case 'commitInPlace': include $instance->getCorePath () .'system/commitInPlace.php'; break; case 'upload': include $corePath .'output/upload.php'; break; case 'blank': echo '<html><body bgcolor="white"><label style="color: #990000;">Carregando...</label></body></html>'; break; case 'lucene': $action = $section->getAction (Action::TLUCENE); Business::singleton ()->setCurrent ($section, $action); define ('XOAD_AUTOHANDLE', true); require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'class/Xoad.php'; if (file_exists ($section->getCompPath () .'_ajax.php')) include $section->getCompPath () .'_ajax.php'; else require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'class/Ajax.php'; $allow = array ('Xoad', 'Ajax'); foreach (Instance::singleton ()->getTypes () as $type => $path) { if (!file_exists ($path .'_ajax.php')) continue; require_once $path . '_ajax.php'; $allow [] = 'x'. $type; } require_once Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'xoad/xoad.php'; XOAD_Server::allowClasses ($allow); if (XOAD_Server::runServer ()) exit (); if (!isset ($_GET['query'])) throw new Exception ('Invalid link!'); $query = urldecode ($_GET['query']); require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'assembly/menu.php'; require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'assembly/breadcrumb.php'; $_OUTPUT ['SECTION_MENU'] = ''; $_OUTPUT ['SECTION'] = ''; try { ob_start (); if (!isset ($section) || !isset ($action)) throw new Exception ('Seção ou Ação inválida!'); $action->generateMenu (); while ($item = Menu::singleton ()->get ()) echo $item; $_OUTPUT ['SECTION_MENU'] = '<ul>'. ob_get_clean () .'</ul>'; ob_start (); require $instance->getCorePath () .'output/lucene.php'; $_OUTPUT ['SECTION'] = ob_get_clean (); } catch (PDOException $e) { ob_end_clean (); $message->addWarning ($e->getMessage ()); } catch (Exception $e) { ob_end_clean (); $message->addWarning ($e->getMessage ()); } include Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'output/body.php'; break; case 'luceneContent': try { if (!isset ($_GET['id']) || !is_numeric ($_GET['id']) || empty ($_GET['id']) || !(int) $_GET['id']) throw new Exception (__ ('Invalid link! [[1]]', @$_GET['id'])); if (!Lucene::singleton ()->isActive ()) throw new Exception (__ ('Global search is not active!')); $out = Lucene::singleton ()->getIndex ()->getDocument ($_GET['id'])->content; } catch (Exception $e) { $out = $e->getMessage (); } echo '<pre>'. $out .'</pre>'; break; case 'manual': if (!file_exists (Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'doc/output/'. Localization::singleton ()->getLanguage () .'/index.html')) Manual::generate (); $father = trim (@$_GET ['toSection']); $business = Business::singleton (); $anchor = array (); while ($father != '' && $business->sectionExists ($father)) { $anchor [] = str_replace ('.', '_', $father); $father = $business->getSection ($father)->getFather (); } header ('Location: '. str_replace ('titan.php', '', $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF']) . Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'doc/output/'. Localization::singleton ()->getLanguage () .'/index.html#toc:'. implode ('_', array_reverse ($anchor))); exit (); case 'backup': require Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath () .'system/backup.php'; break; case 'social': if (!User::singleton ()->isLogged ()) die ('Access denied!'); if (!Social::isActive ()) die ('No one social network is enabled!'); if (!isset ($_GET['driver']) || trim ($_GET['driver']) == '' || !isset ($_GET['section']) || trim ($_GET['section']) == '' || !isset ($_GET['action']) || trim ($_GET['action']) == '') die ('Invalid parameters!'); $driver = Social::singleton ()->getSocialNetwork ($_GET['driver']); if (is_null ($driver)) die ('Invalid social network!'); if (!$driver->authenticate ()) die ('Impossible to authenticate in '. $driver->getName () .'!'); $id = $driver->getId (); if (is_null ($id) || trim ($id) == '') die ('Impossible to recovery user ID to '. $driver->getName () .'!'); try { $sth = Database::singleton ()->prepare ("UPDATE _user SET ". $driver->getIdColumn () ." = :id WHERE _id = :user"); $sth->bindParam (':id', $id); $sth->bindParam (':user', User::singleton ()->getId (), PDO::PARAM_INT); $sth->execute (); } catch (PDOException $e) { toLog (print_r ($e, TRUE)); } header ('Location: titan.php?toSection='. $_GET['section'] .'&toAction='. $_GET['action'] .'&social=1'); exit (); }