socialNetworkExists ('Google')) throw new ApiException (__ ('Web application is not capable to register device user! Please, alert support team.'), ApiException::ERROR_SYSTEM, ApiException::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'Must enable Google Plus at Social Network configuration!'); if (!isset ($_POST ['email']) || trim ($_POST ['email']) == '' || !isset ($_POST ['token']) || trim ($_POST ['token']) == '') throw new ApiException (__ ('Invalid parameters (e-mail or token)!'), ApiException::ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ApiException::BAD_REQUEST); $email = trim ($_POST ['email']); $device = isset ($_POST ['device']) && trim ($_POST ['device']) != '' ? $_POST ['device'] : __ ('Generic Mobile Device'); $token = $_auth->decrypt ($_POST ['token']); $token = preg_replace ('/[^\x20-\x7f]/i', '', $token); $url = ''. $token; $json = file_get_contents ($url); if (trim ($json) == '') throw new ApiException (__ ('Invalid token!'), ApiException::ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ApiException::BAD_REQUEST); $profile = (array) json_decode ($json); if (!is_array ($profile) || !sizeof ($profile)) throw new ApiException (__ ('Invalid user attributes!'), ApiException::ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ApiException::BAD_REQUEST); if (!isset ($profile ['email']) || trim ($profile ['email']) == '' || trim ($profile ['email']) != $email) throw new ApiException (__ ('Invalid token for this user!'), ApiException::ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ApiException::BAD_REQUEST, 'e-Mail address of token is different of parameter!'); $social = Social::singleton ()->getSocialNetwork ('Google'); $social->setProfile ($profile); $id = $social->register ($profile); if (!(int) $id) throw new ApiException (__ ('User is not registered in Web application!'), ApiException::ERROR_APP_AUTH, ApiException::UNAUTHORIZED); $obj = MobileDevice::register ($device, $id); $output = array ('id' => $obj->id, 'pk' => $_auth->encrypt ($obj->pk)); header ('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode ((object) $output);