
class EncodeMedia
	private static $convertible = array (
		'audio/3gpp' => 'ogg',
		'audio/3gpp2' => 'ogg',
		'video/quicktime' => 'webm',
		'video/x-ms-wmv' => 'webm',
		'audio/x-ms-wma' => 'ogg'
	public static function getEncodableTypes ()
		return self::$convertible;
	public static function getHtml5PlayableFile ($source, $mimetype, $playable)
		if (!file_exists ($source) || !is_readable ($source) || !(int) filesize ($source))
			throw new Exception ('This file is not available!');
		$supportedHtml5Types = array ('video/mp4', 'video/webm', 'video/ogg', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/ogg', 'audio/wav');
		if (in_array ($mimetype, $supportedHtml5Types))
			return $source;
		switch ($mimetype)
			case 'audio/3gpp':
			case 'audio/3gpp2':
				$encoded = $playable .'.ogg';
				if (file_exists ($encoded) && is_readable ($encoded) && filesize ($encoded))
					return $encoded;
				if (!function_exists ('system'))
					throw new Exception ('Is needle enable OS call functions (verify if PHP is not in safe mode)!');
				$control = $playable .'.encoding';
				if (!file_put_contents ($control, strftime ('%c'), LOCK_EX))
					throw new Exception ('Impossible to create control file!');
				$log = $playable .'.3gp-ogg.log';
				// MP3 Stereo Best Quality: avconv -y -i file/cloud_0000016 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192k -ac 2 -ar 44100 cache/ckeditor-file/encoded_0000016.mp3
				// MP3 Mono Poor Quality: avconv -y -i file/cloud_0000016 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 64k -ac 1 -ar 22050 cache/ckeditor-file/encoded_0000016.mp3
				// OGG: avconv -y -i "file/cloud_0000016" -acodec libvorbis -ac 2 "cache/ckeditor-file/encoded_0000016.ogg"
				system ('avconv -y -i "'. $source .'" -acodec libvorbis -ac 2 "'. $encoded .'" 2> "'. $log .'"', $return);
				unlink ($control);
				if ($return)
					@unlink ($encoded);
					throw new Exception ('Has a problem with audio conversion! Verify if [avconv] exists in system and supports OGG codec (libvorbis). Read more in LOG file ['. $log .'].');
				return $encoded;
			case 'video/quicktime':
				$encoded = $playable .'.webm';
				if (file_exists ($encoded) && is_readable ($encoded) && filesize ($encoded))
					return $encoded;
				if (!function_exists ('system'))
					throw new Exception ('Is needle enable OS call functions (verify if PHP is not in safe mode)!');
				$control = $playable .'.encoding';
				if (!file_put_contents ($control, strftime ('%c'), LOCK_EX))
					throw new Exception ('Impossible to create control file!');
				$log = $playable .'.mov-webm.log';
				system ('avconv -y -i "'. $source .'" "'. $encoded .'" 2> "'. $log .'"', $return);
				unlink ($control);
				if ($return)
					@unlink ($encoded);
					throw new Exception ('Has a problem with video conversion! Verify if [avconv] exists in system and supports MP4 codec. Read more in LOG file ['. $log .'].');
				return $encoded;
			case 'video/x-ms-wmv':
				$encoded = $playable .'.webm';
				if (file_exists ($encoded) && is_readable ($encoded) && filesize ($encoded))
					return $encoded;
				if (!function_exists ('system'))
					throw new Exception ('Is needle enable OS call functions (verify if PHP is not in safe mode)!');
				$control = $playable .'.encoding';
				if (!file_put_contents ($control, strftime ('%c'), LOCK_EX))
					throw new Exception ('Impossible to create control file!');
				$log = $playable .'.wmv-webm.log';
				system ('avconv -y -i "'. $source .'" "'. $encoded .'" 2> "'. $log .'"', $return);
				unlink ($control);
				if ($return)
					@unlink ($encoded);
					throw new Exception ('Has a problem with video conversion! Verify if [avconv] exists in system and supports WebM codec. Read more in LOG file ['. $log .'].');
				return $encoded;
			case 'audio/x-ms-wma':
				$encoded = $playable .'.ogg';
				if (file_exists ($encoded) && is_readable ($encoded) && filesize ($encoded))
					return $encoded;
				if (!function_exists ('system'))
					throw new Exception ('Is needle enable OS call functions (verify if PHP is not in safe mode)!');
				$control = $playable .'.encoding';
				if (!file_put_contents ($control, strftime ('%c'), LOCK_EX))
					throw new Exception ('Impossible to create control file!');
				$log = $playable .'.wma-ogg.log';
				system ('avconv -y -i "'. $source .'" "'. $encoded .'" 2> "'. $log .'"', $return);
				unlink ($control);
				if ($return)
					@unlink ($encoded);
					throw new Exception ('Has a problem with video conversion! Verify if [avconv] exists in system and supports OGG codec (libvorbis). Read more in LOG file ['. $log .'].');
				return $encoded;
		return $source;
	public static function resizeImage ($source, $type, $resized, $width = 0, $height = 0, $force = FALSE, $bw = FALSE, $crop = FALSE)
		if (!(int) $width && !(int) $height && !(bool) $bw)
			return $source;
		if (file_exists ($resized) && is_readable ($resized) && (int) filesize ($resized))
			return $resized;
		$buffer = FALSE;
		switch ($type)
			case 'image/jpeg':
			case 'image/pjpeg':
				$buffer = imagecreatefromjpeg ($source);
			case 'image/gif':
				$buffer = imagecreatefromgif ($source);
			case 'image/png':
				$buffer = imagecreatefrompng ($source);
				imagealphablending ($buffer, TRUE);
				imagesavealpha ($buffer, TRUE);
		if (!$buffer)
			throw new Exception ('File mimetype is invalid or the image does not exists!');
		if ($bw)
			@imagefilter ($buffer, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
		$vetor = getimagesize ($source);
		$atualWidth  = $vetor [0];
		$atualHeight = $vetor [1];
		if (!$width || !$height)
			if (!$width && !$height)
				$width = $atualWidth;
				$height = $atualHeight;
			elseif ($width && !$height)
				$height = ($atualHeight * $width) / $atualWidth;
				$width = ($atualWidth * $height) / $atualHeight;
		$w = $width;
		$h = $height;
		if (!$force && (int) $atualWidth < (int) $width)
			$width = $atualWidth;

			$height = ($atualHeight * $width) / $atualWidth;
		if (!$force && (int) $atualHeight < (int) $height)
			$height = $atualHeight;

			$width = ($atualWidth * $height) / $atualHeight;
		if ($crop)
			$wAux = round (($atualWidth * $height) / $atualHeight);
			$hAux = round (($atualHeight * $width) / $atualWidth);
			if ($hAux > $height)
				$height = $hAux;
			elseif ($wAux > $width)
				$width = $wAux;
		if ($type != 'image/gif')
			$thumb = imagecreatetruecolor ($w, $h);
			$color = imagecolorallocatealpha ($thumb, 255, 255, 255, 75);
			imagefill ($thumb, 0, 0, $color);
			$thumb = imagecreate ($w, $h);
		if ($crop)
			$ok = imagecopyresampled ($thumb, $buffer, -floor (($width - $w) / 2), -floor (($height - $h) / 2), 0, 0, $width, $height, $atualWidth, $atualHeight);
			$ok = imagecopyresampled ($thumb, $buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $atualWidth, $atualHeight);
		if (!$ok)
			throw new Exception ('Impossible to resize image!');
		switch ($type)
			case 'image/jpeg':
			case 'image/pjpeg':
				imagejpeg ($thumb, $resized, 100);
			case 'image/gif':
				imagegif ($thumb, $resized);
			case 'image/png':
				imagepng ($thumb, $resized);
		imagedestroy ($thumb);
		return $resized;