setValue ($field ['value-default']); if (array_key_exists ('value', $field)) $this->setValue ($field ['value']); if (array_key_exists ('owner-only', $field)) $this->setOwnerOnly (strtoupper (trim ($field ['owner-only'])) == 'TRUE' ? TRUE : FALSE); if (array_key_exists ('public', $field)) $this->setPublic (strtoupper (trim ($field ['public'])) == 'TRUE' ? TRUE : FALSE); if (array_key_exists ('embedded-images', $field)) $this->setEmbeddedImages (strtoupper (trim ($field ['embedded-images'])) == 'TRUE' ? TRUE : FALSE); } public function setPublic ($public) { $this->public = (bool) $public; } public function isPublic () { return $this->public; } public function setEmbeddedImages ($embeddedImages) { $this->embeddedImages = (bool) $embeddedImages; } public function useEmbeddedImages () { return $this->embeddedImages; } public function setOwnerOnly ($ownerOnly) { $this->ownerOnly = (bool) $ownerOnly; } public function ownerOnly () { return $this->ownerOnly; } public static function getCKEditorPath () { return Instance::singleton ()->getUrl () .'titan.php?target=tResource&type=Fck&file=CKEditor/'; } public static function getLanguage () { $conversion = array ('pt_BR' => 'pt-br', 'en_US' => 'en', 'es_ES' => 'es'); $language = Localization::singleton ()->getLanguage (); if (array_key_exists ($language, $conversion)) return $conversion [$language]; return 'en'; } public static function synopsis ($id, $hash) { $path = File::getFilePath ($id); if (!file_exists ($path)) $path = File::getLegacyFilePath ($id); if (!file_exists ($path)) throw new Exception (__ ('Invalid file!')); try { $db = Database::singleton (); $sth = $db->prepare ("SELECT c.*, u._name AS user, u._email AS email, EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM c._create_date) AS taken FROM _file c LEFT JOIN _user u ON u._id = c._user WHERE c._id = :id"); $sth->bindParam (':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $sth->execute (); $obj = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ); } catch (PDOException $e) { toLog ('['. $e->getLine () .'] '. $e->getMessage ()); throw new Exception (__ ('There was a severe error when trying to load file! Please, contact your administrator.')); } if (!$obj) throw new Exception (__ ('There is no associated file!')); $archive = Archive::singleton (); if (!$archive->isAcceptable ($obj->_mimetype)) throw new Exception (__ ('This type of file is not accepted by the system ([1])!', $obj->mime)); $hashQueryString = ''; if (!is_null (@$obj->_public) && !(int) $obj->_public) { if (is_null (@$obj->_hash) || strlen (trim ($obj->_hash)) != 32) throw new Exception (__ ('Has a critical error with this file! Please, contact your administrator.')); $hashQueryString = '&hash='. $obj->_hash; } $alt = $obj->_name ." (". File::formatFileSizeForHuman ($obj->_size) ." • ". $obj->_mimetype .") \n". __ ('By [1] ([2]) on [3].', $obj->user, $obj->email, strftime ('%x %X', $obj->taken)); ob_start (); switch ($archive->getAssume ($obj->_mimetype)) { case Archive::IMAGE: ?> <?= $alt ?> _mimetype)) { ?> _mimetype)) { ?>