<?php /** * View.php * * This class load XML definitions files and instanciate a view artefact. * View artefact is itens list (list of arrays), and a item is fields list * (list of Type object). * The choosed methodology assure only one fields list. If do have N objects * as result from query, this database objects will be loaded in View class on * demand. * * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com> * @category class * @package core * @subpackage form * @copyright Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives (CC-BY-ND) * @see Form, Search * @todo Create Item class for array replace. */ class View { protected $file = ''; protected $primary = ''; protected $table = ''; protected $paginate = 0; protected $sortable = FALSE; protected $order = array (); public $fields = array (); protected $sth = NULL; protected $icons = array (); protected $disabledIcons = array (); protected $default = FALSE; protected $itemId = 0; protected $page = 0; protected $sql = FALSE; protected $where = ''; protected $total = NULL; public function __construct () { $section = Business::singleton ()->getSection (Section::TCURRENT); $action = Business::singleton ()->getAction (Action::TCURRENT); $args = func_get_args(); $fileName = FALSE; if ($action->getXmlPath () !== FALSE && trim ($action->getXmlPath ()) != '') array_unshift ($args, $action->getXmlPath ()); foreach ($args as $trash => $arg) { if (!file_exists ('section/'. $section->getName () .'/'. $arg)) continue; $fileName = $arg; break; } if ($fileName === FALSE) throw new Exception ('Arquivo XML não encontrado em [section/'. $section->getName () .'/].'); $file = 'section/'. $section->getName () .'/'. $fileName; $cacheFile = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'parsed/'. fileName ($file) .'_'. md5_file ($file) .'.php'; if (file_exists ($cacheFile)) $array = include $cacheFile; else { $xml = new Xml ($file); $array = $xml->getArray (); if (!isset ($array ['view'][0])) throw new Exception ('A tag <view></view> não foi encontrada no XML ['. $fileName .']!'); xmlCache ($cacheFile, $array); } if (!array_key_exists ('view', $array)) throw new Exception ('Invalid XML View file [section/'. $section->getName () .'/].'); $array = $array ['view'][0]; $this->file = $fileName; if (array_key_exists ('table', $array)) $this->table = $array ['table']; if (array_key_exists ('primary', $array)) $this->primary = $array ['primary']; if (array_key_exists ('paginate', $array)) $this->paginate = $array ['paginate']; $this->sortable = array_key_exists ('sortable', $array) && strtoupper ($array ['sortable']) == 'TRUE' ? TRUE : FALSE; $user = User::singleton (); if (array_key_exists ('field', $array) && is_array ($array ['field'])) foreach ($array ['field'] as $trash => $field) if ($obj = Type::factory ($this->getTable (), $field)) { while ($perm = $obj->getRestrict ()) if (!$user->hasPermission ($perm)) continue 2; $this->fields [$obj->getAssign ()] = $obj; } if (isset ($_GET['order']) && trim ($_GET['order']) != '') $this->order [] = array (trim ($_GET['order']), (isset ($_GET['invert']) && $_GET['invert'] == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE)); elseif (array_key_exists ('order', $array)) foreach ($array ['order'] as $trash => $order) { if (!array_key_exists ('id', $order)) continue; if (!array_key_exists (trim ($order ['id']), $this->fields)) continue; $this->order [] = array (trim ($order ['id']), (array_key_exists ('invert', $order) && strtoupper ($order ['invert']) == 'TRUE' ? TRUE : FALSE)); } if (array_key_exists ('icon', $array)) foreach ($array ['icon'] as $trash => $icon) { if (array_key_exists ('id', $icon) && trim ($icon ['id']) != '') $this->icons [$icon ['id']] = $icon; else $this->icons [] = $icon; if (array_key_exists ('default', $icon) && strtoupper ($icon ['default']) == 'TRUE') $this->default = key ($this->icons); } reset ($this->fields); reset ($this->icons); } public function getPaginate() { return $this->paginate; } public function setPaginate ($paginate) { $this->paginate = (int) $paginate; } public function getFile () { return $this->file; } public function getTable () { return $this->table; } public function setTable ($table) { $this->table = $table; } public function getPrimary () { return $this->primary; } public function getFields () { return $this->fields; } public function getId () { return $this->itemId; } public function getSth () { return $this->sth; } public function getSql () { return $this->sql; } public function getOrder () { $aux = array (); foreach ($this->order as $trash => $order) $aux [] = Database::toOrder ($this->fields [$order [0]]) . ($order [1] ? ' DESC' : ''); return $aux; } public function getDefaultIcon () { if (!sizeof ($this->icons)) return NULL; if ($this->default === FALSE || !array_key_exists ($this->default, $this->icons)) $key = key ($this->icons); else $key = $this->default; if (is_object ($this->icons [$key])) return $this->icons [$key]; $this->icons [$key] = Icon::factory ($this->icons [$key], $this); return $this->icons [$key]; } public function load ($where = '', $page = 0, $sql = FALSE) { if (!$page) $page = isset ($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] ? $_GET['page'] : 1; if ($sql === FALSE) { $fields = array (); foreach ($this->fields as $assign => $field) if ($field->isLoadable ()) $fields [] = Database::toSql ($field); if (isset ($_GET['order']) && trim ($_GET['order']) != '') $order = Database::toOrder ($this->fields [$_GET['order']]) . (isset ($_GET['invert']) && $_GET['invert'] ? ' DESC' : ''); elseif ($this->sortable && !is_a ($this, 'VersionView')) $order = "_order"; else $order = implode (", ", $this->getOrder ()); $sql = "SELECT ". $this->getTable () .".". $this->getPrimary () .", ". (sizeof ($fields) ? implode (", ", $fields) : "*") ." FROM ". $this->getTable () . (trim ($where) != '' ? " WHERE ". $where : "") . (trim ($order) != '' ? " ORDER BY ". $order : ""); reset ($this->fields); } if ($this->paginate && $page) $sql .= " LIMIT ". $this->paginate ." OFFSET ". ($this->paginate * ($page - 1)); // throw new Exception ($sql); $db = Database::singleton (); $this->sth = $db->prepare ($sql); $this->sth->execute (); $this->page = $page; $this->sql = $sql; $this->where = $where; return TRUE; } public function getField ($assign = FALSE) { if ($assign !== FALSE) if (array_key_exists ($assign, $this->fields)) return $this->fields [$assign]; else return current ($this->fields); $field = each ($this->fields); if ($field !== FALSE) return $field ['value']; reset ($this->fields); return NULL; } public function getLink ($onlyLink = FALSE) { if ($onlyLink) return method_exists ($this->getDefaultIcon (), 'getSection') ? Instance::singleton ()->getUrl () . 'titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $this->getDefaultIcon ()->getSection () .'&toAction='. $this->getDefaultIcon ()->getAction () .'&itemId='. $this->itemId : ''; $field = each ($this->fields); if ($field !== FALSE) { $field = $field ['value']; $icon = $this->getDefaultIcon (); if ($this->default === FALSE || !is_object ($icon) || (array_key_exists ($icon->getId (), $this->disabledIcons) && is_array ($this->disabledIcons [$icon->getId ()]) && in_array ($this->getId (), $this->disabledIcons [$icon->getId ()]))) return (string) self::toList ($field, $this->getId ()); return '<a '. $this->getDefaultIcon ()->makeLink ($this->getId ()) .'>'. self::toList ($field, $this->getId ()) .'</a>'; } reset ($this->fields); return NULL; } public function getItem () { if ($this->sth === NULL) return NULL; $obj = $this->sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if (!$obj) return NULL; $primary = $this->getPrimary (); $this->itemId = $obj->$primary; foreach ($this->fields as $assign => $field) if ($field->isLoadable ()) $this->fields [$assign] = Database::fromDb ($field, $obj); else $this->fields [$assign]->load ($this->itemId); reset ($this->fields); return $obj; } public function getIcon () { $icon = each ($this->icons); if ($icon !== FALSE) { if (!is_object ($icon ['value'])) $this->icons [$icon ['key']] = Icon::factory ($icon ['value'], $this); $id = $this->icons [$icon ['key']]->getId (); if (array_key_exists ($id, $this->disabledIcons) && is_array ($this->disabledIcons [$id]) && in_array ($this->getId (), $this->disabledIcons [$id])) return $this->icons [$icon ['key']]->makeIcon (0, TRUE); return $this->icons [$icon ['key']]->makeIcon ($this->getId ()); } reset ($this->icons); return NULL; } public function disableIcons ($id, $items) { if (!is_string ($id) || trim ($id) == '' || !is_array ($items) || !(int) sizeof ($items)) return FALSE; $this->disabledIcons [$id] = $items; } public function removeIcon ($id) { unset ($this->icons [$id]); } public function getTotal ($where = '', $sql = FALSE) { if ($this->total !== NULL) return $this->total; if (trim ($where) == '') $where = $this->where; if ($sql === FALSE) $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM ". $this->getTable () . (trim ($where) != '' ? " WHERE ". $where : ""); //throw new Exception ($sql); $db = Database::singleton (); $sth = $db->prepare ($sql); $sth->execute (); $obj = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if (!$obj) return '<li class="disabled">«' . __('Previous') . '</li><li class="selected">1</li><li class="disabled">' . __('Next') . ' »</li>'; $this->total = $obj->total; return $this->total; } public function pageMenu ($where = '', $page = 0, $sql = FALSE) { if (!$this->paginate) return ''; if (!$page) $page = $this->page; $order = isset ($_GET['order']) ? $_GET['order'] : ''; $invert = isset ($_GET['invert']) ? $_GET['invert'] : 0; if (trim ($where) == '') $where = $this->where; if ($this->total === NULL) { if ($sql === FALSE) $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM ". $this->getTable () . (trim ($where) != '' ? " WHERE ". $where : ""); //throw new Exception ($sql); $db = Database::singleton (); $sth = $db->prepare ($sql); $sth->execute (); $obj = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if (!$obj) return '<li class="disabled">« ' . __('Previous') . '</li><li class="selected">1</li><li class="disabled">' . __('Next') . ' »</li>'; $this->total = $obj->total; } if (!$this->total) return '<li class="disabled">« ' . __('Previous') . '</li><li class="selected">1</li><li class="disabled">' . __('Next') . ' »</li>'; $numberOfPages = ceil ($this->total / $this->paginate); global $section, $action, $itemId; $pageIniti = $page - 6; $pageFinal = $page + 6; if ($pageIniti < 1) $pageFinal -= $pageIniti; if ($pageFinal > $numberOfPages) { $pageIniti -= ($pageFinal - $numberOfPages); $pageFinal = $numberOfPages; } if ($pageIniti < 1) $pageIniti = 1; $str = ''; for ($i = $pageIniti ; $i <= $pageFinal ; $i++) if ($i == $page) $str .= '<li class="selected">'. $i .'</li>'; else $str .= '<li class="enabled" onclick="JavaScript: document.location=\'titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $section->getName () .'&toAction='. $action->getName () .'&itemId='. $itemId .'&page='. $i .'&order='. $order .'&invert='. $invert .'\';">'. $i .'</li>'; if ($page == 1) $previous = '<li class="disabled">« ' . __('Previous') . '</li>'; else $previous = '<li class="enabled" onclick="JavaScript: document.location=\'titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $section->getName () .'&toAction='. $action->getName () .'&itemId='. $itemId .'&page='. ($page - 1) .'&order='. $order .'&invert='. $invert .'\';">« ' . __('Previous') . '</li>'; if ($page == $i - 1) $next = '<li class="disabled">' . __('Next') . ' »</li>'; else $next = '<li class="enabled" onclick="JavaScript: document.location=\'titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $section->getName () .'&toAction='. $action->getName () .'&itemId='. $itemId .'&page='. ($page + 1) .'&order='. $order .'&invert='. $invert .'\';">' . __('Next') . ' »</li>'; if ($page == 1) $first = '<li class="disabled">' . __('First') . '</li>'; else $first = '<li class="enabled" onclick="JavaScript: document.location=\'titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $section->getName () .'&toAction='. $action->getName () .'&itemId='. $itemId .'&page=1&order='. $order .'&invert='. $invert .'\';">' . __('First') . '</li>'; if ($page == $numberOfPages) $last = '<li class="disabled">' . __('Last') . '</li>'; else $last = '<li class="enabled" onclick="JavaScript: document.location=\'titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $section->getName () .'&toAction='. $action->getName () .'&itemId='. $itemId .'&page='. $numberOfPages .'&order='. $order .'&invert='. $invert .'\';">' . __('Last') . '</li>'; return $previous . $first . $str . $last . $next; } public static function toLabel ($field, $useOrder = TRUE) { global $section, $action, $itemId; if (!$useOrder) return $field->getLabel (); $order = isset ($_GET['order']) && $field->getAssign () == $_GET['order'] ? TRUE : FALSE; $invert = isset ($_GET['invert']) && $_GET['invert'] ? TRUE : FALSE; $page = isset ($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 0; if (!$order) return '<a class="labelView" href="titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $section->getName () .'&toAction='. $action->getName () .'&itemId='. $itemId .'&page='. $page .'&order='. $field->getAssign () .'&invert=0">'. $field->getLabel () .'</a>'; if ($invert) return '<a class="labelView" href="titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $section->getName () .'&toAction='. $action->getName () .'&itemId='. $itemId .'&page='. $page .'&order='. $field->getAssign () .'&invert=0">'. $field->getLabel () .'</a> <img src="titan.php?target=loadFile&file=interface/image/arrow.up.gif" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle;" />'; return '<a class="labelView" href="titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $section->getName () .'&toAction='. $action->getName () .'&itemId='. $itemId .'&page='. $page .'&order='. $field->getAssign () .'&invert=1">'. $field->getLabel () .'</a> <img src="titan.php?target=loadFile&file=interface/image/arrow.down.gif" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle;" />'; } public static function toList ($field, $itemId = NULL) { if (!is_object ($field)) return $field; $instance = Instance::singleton (); $fieldId = 'field_'. $field->getAssign (); $db = Database::singleton (); $type = get_class ($field); do { $file = $instance->getTypePath ($type) .'toList.php'; if (file_exists ($file)) return include $file; $type = get_parent_class ($type); } while ($type != 'Type' && $type !== FALSE); $type = get_class ($field); do { $file = $instance->getTypePath ($type) .'toHtml.php'; if (file_exists ($file)) return include $file; $type = get_parent_class ($type); } while ($type != 'Type' && $type !== FALSE); return is_null ($field->getValue ()) ? ' ' : $field->getValue (); } } ?>