class Localization
	static private $locale = FALSE;
	private $language = 'en_US';
	private $enabled = array ('en_US');
	private $packs = array ();
	static private $supported = array (	'pt_BR' => 'Português',
										'es_ES' => 'Espanol',
										'en_US' => 'English');
	static private $negotiate = array (	'pt'	=> 'pt_BR',
										'pt-br' => 'pt_BR',
										'es'	=> 'es_ES',
										'es-mx' => 'es_ES',
										'es-gt' => 'es_ES',
										'es-cr' => 'es_ES',
										'es-do' => 'es_ES',
										'es-pa' => 'es_ES',
										'es-ve' => 'es_ES',
										'es-co' => 'es_ES',
										'es-pe' => 'es_ES',
										'es-ar' => 'es_ES',
										'es-ec' => 'es_ES',
										'es-cl' => 'es_ES',
										'es-uy' => 'es_ES',
										'es-py' => 'es_ES',
										'es-bo' => 'es_ES',
										'es-sv' => 'es_ES',
										'es-hn' => 'es_ES',
										'es-ni' => 'es_ES',
										'es-pr' => 'es_ES',
										'en'	=> 'en_US',
										'en-us' => 'en_US',
										'en-gb' => 'en_US',
										'en-au' => 'en_US',
										'en-ca' => 'en_US',
										'en-nz' => 'en_US',
										'en-ie' => 'en_US',
										'en-za' => 'en_US',
										'en-jm' => 'en_US',
										'en-bz' => 'en_US',
										'en-tt' => 'en_US');
	static private $winLocales = array ('pt_BR'	=> 'ptb',
										'en_US' => 'usa',
										'es_ES' => 'esp');
	private $forComponent = '';
	private final function __construct ()
		$languages = Instance::singleton ()->getLanguages ();
		$array = array ();
		foreach ($languages as $trash => $language)
			$language = trim ($language);
			if (!self::supports ($language))
			$array [] = $language;
		if ((int) sizeof ($array))
			$this->enabled = $array;
			$array = $this->enabled;
		if (isset ($_GET ['language']))
			$language = trim ($_GET ['language']);
		if (isset ($_COOKIE ['_TITAN_LOCALE_']) && trim ($_COOKIE ['_TITAN_LOCALE_']) != '')
			$language = trim ($_COOKIE ['_TITAN_LOCALE_']);
			$language = self::negotiatedLanguage ();
		if (trim ($language) == '' || !in_array ($language, $array))
			$language = array_shift ($array);
		$this->setLanguage ($language);
	static public function singleton ()
		if (self::$locale !== FALSE)
			return self::$locale;
		$class = __CLASS__;
		self::$locale = new $class ();
		return self::$locale;
	public function setLanguage ($language)
		$language = trim ($language);
		if (!self::supports ($language))
			return FALSE;
		setcookie ('_TITAN_LOCALE_', $language);
		$this->language = $language;
		putenv ('LANG='. $this->getLocale () .'.UTF8');    
		putenv ('LANGUAGE='. $this->getLocale () .'.UTF8');
		if (setlocale (LC_ALL, $this->getLocale () .'.utf8') === FALSE && setlocale (LC_ALL, $this->getLocale ()) === FALSE)
			toLog ('Impossible to set system locale ['. $this->getLocale () .'].');
		return TRUE;
	public function getLanguage ()
		return $this->language;
	public function getLocale ()
		if (stristr (PHP_OS, 'win') !== FALSE)
			return self::$winLocales [$this->getLanguage ()];
		return $this->getLanguage ();
	public function translate ($array)
		if (!sizeof ($array))
			return '';
		$message = array_shift ($array);
		$pack = $this->getLanguagePack ();
		if (isset ($pack [$message]))
			$message = $pack [$message];
		foreach ($array as $key => $value)
			$message = str_replace ('['. ($key + 1) .']', $value, $message);
		return $message;
	private function getLanguagePack ($language = FALSE)
		if ($language === FALSE)
			$language = $this->language;
		$language = trim ($language);
		$section = Business::singleton ()->getSection (Section::TCURRENT);
		if (array_key_exists ($language, $this->packs) && $this->forComponent == $section->getComponent ())
			return $this->packs [$language];
		$this->forComponent = $section->getComponent ();
		$array = array ();
		$files = array (Instance::singleton ()->getCorePath ().'locale/i18n/'. $language .'.xml', $section->getCompPath () .'_i18n/'. $language .'.xml');
		$packs = array (Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'i18n/'. $language .'.php', Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'i18n/'. $language .'-component-'. fileName ($section->getComponent ()) .'.php');
		foreach (Instance::singleton ()->getTypes () as $type => $path)
			$files [] = $path .'_i18n/'. $language .'.xml';
			$packs [] = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'i18n/'. $language .'-type-'. fileName ($type) .'.php';
		if (Instance::singleton ()->onDebugMode ())
			foreach (Instance::singleton ()->getTools () as $tool => $path)
				$path = dirname (realpath ($path));
				$files [] = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'_i18n'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $language .'.xml';
				$packs [] = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'i18n'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $language .'-tool-'. fileName ($tool) .'.php';
		foreach ($files as $key => $file)
			if (!file_exists ($file))
			$pack = $packs [$key];
			if (file_exists ($pack) && @filemtime ($pack) > @filemtime ($file))
				$array = array_merge ($array, include $pack);
			$xml = new Xml ($file);
			$aux = $xml->getArray ();
			if (!isset ($aux ['i18n'][0]['message']) || !sizeof ($aux ['i18n'][0]['message']))
			$aFile = array ();
			foreach ($aux ['i18n'][0]['message'] as $trash => $message)
				if (!is_array ($message) || !array_key_exists ('from', $message) || !array_key_exists ('to', $message))
				$aFile [$message ['from']] = $message ['to'];
			$array = array_merge ($array, $aFile);
			$content  = "<?php \n";
			$content .= "/* \n";
			$content .= " * Titan Framework \n";
			$content .= " * Cache of Language Pack (i18n) \n";
			$content .= " * Generated at ". date ('d-m-Y H:i:s') ." \n";
			$content .= " */ \n\n";
			$content .= "return ". var_export ($aFile, TRUE) .";";
			$path = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'i18n/';
			if (!file_exists ($path) && !@mkdir ($path, 0777))
				toLog ('Impossible to create directory ['. $path .'].');
			elseif (file_put_contents ($pack, $content) === FALSE)
				toLog ('Impossible to create file ['. $pack .'].');
		$this->packs [$language] = $array;
		return $array;
	private static function supports ($language)
		return array_key_exists ($language, self::$supported);
	public static function negotiatedLanguage ($forConversion = '')
		if ($forConversion != '' && array_key_exists ($forConversion, self::$negotiate))
			return self::$negotiate [$forConversion];
		if (!array_key_exists ('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', $_SERVER))
			return '';
		$client = str_replace (array (',', ';'), '#', strtolower ($_SERVER ['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']));
		$languages = explode ('#', $client);
		foreach ($languages as $trash => $lang)
			if (array_key_exists ($lang, self::$negotiate))
				return self::$negotiate [$lang];
		return '';
	public function getAvaliableLanguages ()
		$array = array ();
		foreach (self::$supported as $language => $label)
			if (in_array ($language, $this->enabled))
				$array [$language] = $label;
		return $array;