 * Instance.php
 * This class is used for instantiate a singleton object with contains
 * base configuration of Titan instance.
 * @author Camilo Carromeu <camilo@carromeu.com>
 * @category class
 * @package core
 * @subpackage business_layer
 * @copyright Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives (CC-BY-ND)
 * @see Business, Section, Action
class Instance
	static private $instance = FALSE;
	private $array = array ();
	private $database = array ();
	private $security = array ();
	private $schedule = array ();
	private $friendlyUrl = array ();
	private $search = array ();
	private $lucene = array ();
	private $archive = array ();
	private $business = array ();
	private $skin = array ();
	private $version = array ();
	private $mail = array ();
	private $alert = array ();
	private $shopping = array ();
	private $social = array ();
	private $api = array ();
	private $mobile = array ();
	private $log = array ();
	private $backup = array ();
	private $type = array ();
	private $types = array ();
	private $tool = array ();
	private $tools = array ();
	private $attributes = array ();
	private $cachePath = '/dev/null';
	private final function __construct ()
		$file = 'configure/titan.xml';
		if (!file_exists ($file))
			throw new Exception ('Dont exists a valid instance of Titan and is not possible create a new without file ['. $file .'].');
		$this->array = array (	'name' 			=> '',
								'description' 	=> '',
								'e-mail' 		=> '',
								'url'			=> '',
								'login-url' 	=> '',
								'core-path' 	=> '',
								'repos-path'	=> '',
								'debug-mode' 	=> FALSE,
								'session'		=> '',
								'cache-path'	=> '',
								'use-chat'		=> TRUE,
								'timezone'		=> 'America/Campo_Grande',
								'only-firefox'	=> FALSE,
								'language'		=> array ('pt_BR'),
								'all-sections'	=> TRUE,
								'author'		=> '',
								'doc-path'		=> '');
		$xml = new Xml ($file);
		$array = $xml->getArray ();
		if (!isset ($array ['titan-configuration'][0]))
			throw new Exception ('The tag &lt;titan-configuration&gt;&lt;/titan-configuration&gt; dont exist in file ['. $file .'].');
		$array = $array ['titan-configuration'][0];
		foreach ($this->array as $key => $trash)
			if (array_key_exists ($key, $array) && trim ($array [$key]) != '')
				if (is_bool ($this->array [$key]))
					$this->array [$key] = strtoupper ($array [$key]) == 'TRUE' ? TRUE : FALSE;
				elseif (is_array ($this->array [$key]))
					$this->array [$key] = explode (',', $array [$key]);
					$this->array [$key] = $array [$key];
		if (!in_array ($this->array ['timezone'], DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers ()))
			throw new Exception ('The value of attribute [timezone] of tag &lt;titan-configuration&gt;&lt;/titan-configuration&gt; in [titan.xml] is incorrect.');
		if (isset ($_COOKIE['_TITAN_TIMEZONE_']) && trim ($_COOKIE['_TITAN_TIMEZONE_']) != '')
			$this->array ['timezone'] = $_COOKIE['_TITAN_TIMEZONE_'];
		date_default_timezone_set ($this->array ['timezone']);
		if (array_key_exists ('database', $array))
			$this->database = $array ['database'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('security', $array))
			$this->security = $array ['security'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('schedule', $array))
			$this->schedule = $array ['schedule'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('friendly-url', $array))
			$this->friendlyUrl = $array ['friendly-url'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('search', $array))
			$this->search = $array ['search'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('lucene', $array))
			$this->lucene = $array ['lucene'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('archive', $array))
			$this->archive = $array ['archive'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('mail', $array))
			$this->mail = $array ['mail'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('alert', $array))
			$this->alert = $array ['alert'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('shopping', $array))
			$this->shopping = $array ['shopping'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('social', $array))
			$this->social = $array ['social'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('api', $array))
			$this->api = $array ['api'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('mobile', $array))
			$this->mobile = $array ['mobile'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('backup', $array))
			$this->backup = $array ['backup'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('type', $array))
			$this->type = $array ['type'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('tool', $array))
			$this->tool = $array ['tool'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('business-layer', $array))
			$this->business = $array ['business-layer'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('skin', $array))
			$this->skin = $array ['skin'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('version-control', $array))
			$this->version = $array ['version-control'][0];
		if (array_key_exists ('log', $array))
			$this->log = $array ['log'][0];
		if (!file_exists ($this->getReposPath () .'type/type.xml'))
			throw new Exception ('A propriedade [repos-path] da tag &lt;titan-configuration&gt;&lt;/titan-configuration&gt; do [titan.xml] está incorreta ou o diretório de <i>Tipos</i> não está presente no repositório.');
		$file = $this->getReposPath () .'type/type.xml';
		$cacheFile = $this->getCachePath () .'parsed/'. fileName ($file) .'_'. md5_file ($file) .'.php';
		if (file_exists ($cacheFile))
			$aux = include $cacheFile;
			$xml = new Xml ($file);
			$aux = $xml->getArray ();
			if (!isset ($aux ['type-mapping'][0]['type']))
				throw new Exception ('A tag &lt;type-mapping&gt;&lt;/type-mapping&gt; não existe no arquivo ['. $file .'].');
			xmlCache ($cacheFile, $aux, $this->getCachePath () .'parsed/');
		$noTypeLegacyLevel = 0;
		if (is_array ($this->type))
			if (array_key_exists ('use-legacy', $this->type) && strtoupper (trim ($this->type ['use-legacy'])) == 'FALSE')
				$noTypeLegacyLevel = 1;
			if (array_key_exists ('no-legacy-level', $this->type) && is_numeric (trim ($this->type ['no-legacy-level'])) && ((int) trim ($this->type ['no-legacy-level'])) > 0)
				$noTypeLegacyLevel = (int) trim ($this->type ['no-legacy-level']);
		$aux = $aux ['type-mapping'][0]['type'];
		foreach ($aux as $trash => $type)
			if (array_key_exists ('component', $type) && file_exists ($this->getReposPath () .'type/'. $type ['component'] .'/'. $type ['name'] .'.php') && (!array_key_exists ('legacy', $type) || !is_numeric (trim ($type ['legacy'])) || ((int) trim ($type ['legacy'])) > $noTypeLegacyLevel))
				$this->types [$type ['name']] = $this->getReposPath () .'type/'. $type ['component'] .'/';
		if (is_array ($this->type) && array_key_exists ('xml-path', $this->type) && trim ($this->type ['xml-path']) != '')
			$file = $this->type ['xml-path'];
			if (!file_exists ($file))
				throw new Exception ('O arquivo de configuração de Tipos Locais não existe no caminho ['. $file .'].');
			$cacheFile = $this->getCachePath () .'parsed/'. fileName ($file) .'_'. md5_file ($file) .'.php';
			if (file_exists ($cacheFile))
				$aux = include $cacheFile;
				$xml = new Xml ($file);
				$aux = $xml->getArray ();
				if (!isset ($aux ['type-mapping'][0]['type']))
					throw new Exception ('A tag &lt;type-mapping&gt;&lt;/type-mapping&gt; não existe no arquivo ['. $file .'].');
				xmlCache ($cacheFile, $aux, $this->getCachePath () .'parsed/');
			$aux = $aux ['type-mapping'][0]['type'];
			foreach ($aux as $trash => $type)
				if (array_key_exists ('path', $type) && file_exists ($type ['path'] . $type ['name'] .'.php'))
					$this->types [$type ['name']] = $type ['path'];
		reset ($this->types);
		$this->tools = array ('ConvertToUtf8'      => $this->getReposPath () .'tool/global.ConvertToUtf8/bootstrap.php',
							  'DatabaseMaker'      => $this->getReposPath () .'tool/global.DatabaseMaker/bootstrap.php',
							  'FilesMimeType'      => $this->getReposPath () .'tool/global.FilesMimeType/bootstrap.php',
							  'Translate'          => $this->getReposPath () .'tool/global.Translate/bootstrap.php',
							  'MobileSource'       => $this->getReposPath () .'tool/global.MobileSource/bootstrap.php',
							  'ConvertFileToCloud' => $this->getReposPath () .'tool/global.ConvertFileToCloud/bootstrap.php');
		if (is_array ($this->tool) && array_key_exists ('xml-path', $this->tool) && trim ($this->tool ['xml-path']) != '')
			$file = $this->tool ['xml-path'];
			if (!file_exists ($file))
				throw new Exception ('O arquivo de configuração de Ferramentas Locais não existe no caminho ['. $file .'].');
			$cacheFile = $this->getCachePath () .'parsed/'. fileName ($file) .'_'. md5_file ($file) .'.php';
			if (file_exists ($cacheFile))
				$aux = include $cacheFile;
				$xml = new Xml ($file);
				$aux = $xml->getArray ();
				if (!isset ($aux ['tool-mapping'][0]['tool']))
					throw new Exception ('A tag &lt;tool-mapping&gt;&lt;/tool-mapping&gt; não existe no arquivo ['. $file .'].');
				xmlCache ($cacheFile, $aux, $this->getCachePath () .'parsed/');
			$aux = $aux ['tool-mapping'][0]['tool'];
			foreach ($aux as $trash => $tool)
				if (array_key_exists ('name', $tool) && array_key_exists ('bootstrap', $tool) && file_exists ($tool ['bootstrap']))
					$this->tools [$tool ['name']] = $tool ['bootstrap'];
		if (isset ($array ['attribute'][0]['xml-path']) && trim ($array ['attribute'][0]['xml-path']) != '')
			$file = $array ['attribute'][0]['xml-path'];
			if (!file_exists ($file))
				throw new Exception ('O arquivo de configuração de Atributos Globais não existe no caminho ['. $file .'].');
			$cacheFile = $this->getCachePath () .'parsed/'. fileName ($file) .'_'. md5_file ($file) .'.php';
			if (file_exists ($cacheFile))
				$aux = include $cacheFile;
				$xml = new Xml ($file);
				$aux = $xml->getArray ();
				if (!isset ($aux ['attribute-mapping'][0]['attribute']))
					throw new Exception ('A tag &lt;attribute-mapping&gt;&lt;/attribute-mapping&gt; não existe no arquivo ['. $file .'].');
				xmlCache ($cacheFile, $aux, $this->getCachePath () .'parsed/');
			$aux = $aux ['attribute-mapping'][0]['attribute'];
			foreach ($aux as $trash => $attribute)
				if (array_key_exists ('name', $attribute) && array_key_exists ('value', $attribute))
					$this->attributes [$attribute ['name']] = $attribute ['value'];
	static public function singleton ()
		if (self::$instance !== FALSE)
			return self::$instance;
		$class = __CLASS__;
		self::$instance = new $class ();
		return self::$instance;
	public function getName ()
		return $this->array ['name'];
	public function getDescription ()
		return $this->array ['description'];
	public function getEmail ()
		return $this->array ['e-mail'];
	public function getLoginUrl ()
		return $this->array ['login-url'];
	public function getUrl ()
		return $this->array ['url'];
	public function getCorePath ()
		return $this->array ['core-path'];
	public function getCachePath ()
		return $this->array ['cache-path'];
	public function getReposPath ()
		return $this->array ['core-path'] . 'repos/';
	public function onDebugMode ()
		return $this->array ['debug-mode'] === TRUE;
	public function getSession ()
		return $this->array ['session'];
	public function useChat ()
		return $this->array ['use-chat'] === TRUE;
	public function getTimeZone ()
		return $this->array ['timezone'];
	public function setTimeZone ($tz)
		if (!in_array ($tz, DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers ()))
			return FALSE;
		$this->array ['timezone'] = $tz;
		date_default_timezone_set ($tz);
	public function onlyFirefox ()
		return $this->array ['only-firefox'];
	public function getLanguages ()
		return $this->array ['language'];
	public function setLanguages ($language)
		$this->array ['language'] = is_array ($language) ? $language : array ($language);
	public function showAllSections ()
		return $this->array ['all-sections'];
	public function getAuthor ()
		return $this->array ['author'];
	public function getDocPath ()
		return trim ($this->array ['doc-path']);
	public function getFriendlyUrl ($link)
		if (array_key_exists ($link, $this->friendlyUrl))
			return trim ($this->friendlyUrl [$link]);
		return '';
	public function getBusiness ()
		return $this->business;
	public function getDatabase ()
		return $this->database;
	public function getSecurity ()
		return $this->security;
	public function getSchedule ()
		return $this->schedule;
	public function getSearch ()
		return $this->search;
	public function getLucene ()
		return $this->lucene;
	public function getArchive ()
		return $this->archive;
	public function getMail ()
		return $this->mail;
	public function getAlert ()
		return $this->alert;
	public function getShopping ()
		return $this->shopping;
	public function getSocial ()
		return $this->social;
	public function getApi ()
		return $this->api;
	public function getMobile ()
		return $this->mobile;
	public function getBackup ()
		return $this->backup;
	public function getSkin ()
		return $this->skin;
	public function getVersionControl ()
		return $this->version;
	public function getLog ()
		return $this->log;
	public function getTypes ()
		return $this->types;
	public function getTypePath ($type)
		if (!array_key_exists ($type, $this->types))
			return NULL;
		return $this->types [$type];
	public function typeExists ($type)
		return array_key_exists ($type, $this->types);
	public function getTools ()
		return $this->tools;
	public function getAttribute ($name)
		if (array_key_exists ($name, $this->attributes))
			return $this->attributes [$name];
		return NULL;