Your Titan Framework refers the old Subversion repository! Please, get a new workcopy for Titan Framework's Core on \n"; chdir ($_path); if (!function_exists ('svn_ls') || !function_exists ('svn_status')) throw new Exception ("CRITICAL > You need install SVN PECL package for PHP!"); svn_auth_set_parameter (PHP_SVN_AUTH_PARAM_IGNORE_SSL_VERIFY_ERRORS, TRUE); svn_auth_set_parameter (SVN_AUTH_PARAM_NON_INTERACTIVE, TRUE); svn_auth_set_parameter (SVN_AUTH_PARAM_NO_AUTH_CACHE, TRUE); svn_auth_set_parameter (SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DONT_STORE_PASSWORDS, TRUE); echo "INFO > Cleaning up CORE folder [". $_path ."]... \n"; system (SVN .' cleanup '. $_path .' --no-auth-cache --non-interactive --trust-server-cert', $return); if ($return) echo "ERROR > Impossible to clean up CORE folder [". $_path ."]! \n"; else echo "SUCCESS > Titan Framework's CORE folder is cleaned! \n"; echo "INFO > Getting last stable revision... \n"; $fileWithStableRevision = $_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'update'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'STABLE'; system (SVN .' up '. $fileWithStableRevision .' --accept \'mine-conflict\' --no-auth-cache --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -q', $return); if ($return || !file_exists ($fileWithStableRevision)) throw new Exception ("Fail to update file with last stable revision! [". $fileWithStableRevision ."]"); $coreLastStableRevision = (int) file_get_contents ($fileWithStableRevision); if (is_null ($coreLastStableRevision) || $coreLastStableRevision < 1) throw new Exception ("Fail to get last stable revision number! [". $fileWithStableRevision ."]"); $array = svn_ls (''); if (!isset ($array ['core']['created_rev']) || !is_numeric ($array ['core']['created_rev'])) throw new Exception ("Invalid Titan Framework CORE revision on SVN repository! \n"); $coreLastRevision = (int) $array ['core']['created_rev']; $array = svn_status ($_path, SVN_NON_RECURSIVE|SVN_ALL); if (!isset ($array [0]['revision']) || !is_numeric ($array [0]['revision'])) throw new Exception ("Invalid Titan Framework CORE revision on work copy! \n"); $coreActualRevision = (int) $array [0]['revision']; if ($coreActualRevision != $coreLastStableRevision) { echo "INFO > Updating (or downgrading) CORE of Titan Framework [". $_path ."] from revision #". $coreActualRevision ." to stable revision #". $coreLastStableRevision ." (the last revision in repository is #". $coreLastRevision .")... \n"; system (SVN .' up -r '. $coreLastStableRevision .' '. $_path .' --accept \'mine-conflict\' --no-auth-cache --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -q', $return); if ($return) echo "ERROR > Fail to update Titan Framework [". $_path ."]! \n"; else echo "SUCCESS > Titan Framework [". $_path ."] is updated! \n"; echo "INFO > Installing (or updating) dependencies (with Composer)... \n"; exec (COMPOSER .' install --no-dev'); exec (COMPOSER .' update --no-dev'); setPermission ($_path, octdec ('0775'), octdec ('0664'), 'root', 'staff'); // TODO: Send log from SVN by e-mail. // if ($coreActualRevision < $coreLastStableRevision) // return svn_log ($_path, $coreActualRevision + 1, $coreLastStableRevision); } else echo "INFO > Titan Framework is already updated! \n"; } function updateCoreByGit ($_path) { echo "INFO > Your Titan Framework's Core refers GitHub repository. Donuts for you ;-) \n"; chdir ($_path); unset ($out); exec (GIT .' describe --abbrev=0 --tags', $out); if (!is_array ($out) || !array_key_exists (0, $out) || preg_replace ('/[^0-9\.\-]/i', '', $out [0]) == '') throw new Exception ("Impossible to get last version of Titan's CORE! Please, verify if Git is installed and the health of CORE's workcopy."); $tag = trim ($out [0]); unset ($out); exec (GIT .' fetch --all'); exec (GIT .' describe --abbrev=0 --tags origin/master', $out); if (is_array ($out) && array_key_exists (0, $out)) { $last = trim ($out [0]); if ($last == $tag) echo "INFO > Titan Framework is already updated (version ". preg_replace ('/[^0-9\.\-]/i', '', $last) .")! \n"; else { exec (GIT .' stash clear'); exec (GIT .' stash'); exec (GIT .' reset --hard'); exec (GIT .' checkout origin/master'); exec (GIT .' pull origin master'); exec (GIT .' checkout '. $last); exec (GIT .' merge --squash --strategy-option=theirs stash'); exec (GIT .' stash drop'); echo "INFO > Installing (or updating) dependencies (with Composer)... \n"; exec (COMPOSER .' install --no-dev'); exec (COMPOSER .' update --no-dev'); echo "INFO > Setting permissions... \n"; setPermission ($_path, octdec ('0775'), octdec ('0664'), 'root', 'staff'); echo "SUCCESS > Titan Framework [". $_path ."] updated to version ". preg_replace ('/[^0-9\.\-]/i', '', $last) ."! \n"; } $well = preg_replace ('/[^0-9\.\-]/i', '', $last); $aux = explode ('-', $well); if (sizeof ($aux) == 2) { $version = $aux [0]; $release = $aux [1]; file_put_contents ($_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'update'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'VERSION', $version); file_put_contents ($_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'update'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'STABLE', $release); } } }