README FOR AUTO UPDATE SCRIPT 1.0 ================================= This package contains the Titan Framework Auto Update Script version 1.0 Developted by Camilo Carromeu <> at PLEASE Lab. Requirements: ------------- Miminum: * PHP 5.1.0 or higher * PECL SVN 1.0.2 or higher Note: Earlier versions might work but is unsupported. Recommended: * PHP 5.4.0 Installation ------------ First, you need to install SVN PECL library to PHP. That installation has been homologed in Debian Squeeze environment. Update you aptitude and install requirements: # aptitude update # aptitude install build-essential php-pear php5-dev libsvn-dev Installing library: # pecl update-channels # pecl install svn # echo "" > /etc/php5/conf.d/svn.ini # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Now, add line bellow to '/etc/crontab': */5 * * * * root /usr/bin/php /var/www/[path to Titan core]/update/update.php /var/www/[path to first instance] /var/www/[path to second instance] > /var/log/titan-auto-update.log Its line will call script every 5 minutes. To greater interval, change the number five for other.