array ('String', 'TEXT'), 'Coordinate' => array ('String', 'TEXT'), 'Date' => array ('Date', 'INTEGER'), 'Float' => array ('Double', 'REAL'), 'Integer' => array ('Long', 'INTEGER'), 'Select' => array ('String', 'TEXT'), 'String' => array ('String', 'TEXT'), 'Time' => array ('Date', 'INTEGER'), 'Boolean' => array ('Boolean', 'INTEGER')); function translateType ($field) { global $map; $type = get_class ($field); $next = get_parent_class ($type); while (!array_key_exists ($type, $map) && $next != 'Type' && $next !== FALSE) { $type = $next; $next = get_parent_class ($next); } if (array_key_exists ($type, $map)) return $map [$type][0]; return 'String'; } function translateFieldName ($name) { $name = strtolower ($name); $array = explode ('_', $name); $first = $array [0]; array_walk ($array, function (&$item, $key) { $item = ucwords ($item); }); $array [0] = $first; return implode ('', $array); } function translateDatabase ($field) { global $map; $type = get_class ($field); $next = get_parent_class ($type); while ($next != 'Type' && $next !== FALSE) { $type = $next; $next = get_parent_class ($next); } if (array_key_exists ($type, $map)) return $map [$type][1]; return 'TEXT'; } function generate ($appication, $package, $section, $model, $xml, $table, $assets) { $section = Business::singleton ()->getSection ($section); if (is_null ($section)) die ('Impossible to load section ['. $section .']!'); if (!file_exists ($section->getPath () . $xml) && !is_dir ($section->getPath () . $xml)) die ('Impossible to open ['. $section->getPath () . $xml .']!'); $useAssets = strtoupper (trim ($assets)) == 'TRUE' ? TRUE : FALSE; $modelUnderScore = strtolower (preg_replace ('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1_$2', $model)); $object = lcfirst ($model); $app = $package; if (trim ($appication) == '') $appName = ucwords (array_pop (explode ('.', $app))); else $appName = $appication; $action = $section->getAction (Action::TAPI); Business::singleton ()->setCurrent ($section, $action); foreach (Instance::singleton ()->getTypes () as $type => $path) require_once $path . $type .'.php'; $view = new ApiList ($xml); if (trim ($table) == '') $table = array_pop (explode ('.', $view->getTable ())); $useCode = $view->useCode (); $primary = $view->getPrimary (); $code = $view->getCodeColumn (); $update = $view->getField ('_API_UPDATE_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_')->getApiColumn (); $fields = array (); if ($useCode) $fields [$primary] = (object) array ('json' => $code, 'class' => translateFieldName ($code), 'type' => 'String', 'db' => 'TEXT PRIMARY KEY', 'label' => 'Código', 'object' => new stdClass ()); else $fields [$primary] = (object) array ('json' => $primary, 'class' => translateFieldName ($primary), 'type' => 'Long', 'db' => 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY', 'label' => 'Identificador', 'object' => new stdClass ()); while ($field = $view->getField ()) $fields [$field->getApiColumn ()] = (object) array ( 'json' => $field->getApiColumn (), 'class' => translateFieldName ($field->getApiColumn ()), 'type' => translateType ($field), 'db' => translateDatabase ($field), 'label' => $field->getLabel (), 'object' => $field ); $base = Instance::singleton ()->getCachePath () .'mobile'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $appName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'android' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $path = $base .'src'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . implode (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, explode ('.', $app)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $packages = array ( 'contract' => 'Contract', 'model' => '', 'converter' => 'Converter', 'dao' => 'DAO', 'task' => 'Task', 'ws' => 'WebService', 'adapter' => 'ListAdapter'); foreach ($packages as $pack => $sufix) { if (!file_exists ($path . $pack) && !@mkdir ($path . $pack, 0777, TRUE)) die ('Impossible to create folder ['. $path . $pack .'].'); $output = require dirname (__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'android'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pack .'.php'; $file = $path . $pack . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $model . $sufix .'.java'; if (file_put_contents ($file, $output)) echo "SUCCESS > File generated! [". $file ."] \n"; else echo "FAIL > Impossible to generate code! [". $file ."] \n"; } $output = require dirname (__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'android'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'view.php'; $file = $path . $model .''; if (file_put_contents ($file, $output)) echo "SUCCESS > File generated! [". $file ."] \n"; else echo "FAIL > Impossible to generate code! [". $file ."] \n"; $path = $base .'res'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'layout'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!file_exists ($path) && !@mkdir ($path, 0777, TRUE)) die ('Impossible to create folder ['. $path .'].'); $output = require dirname (__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'android'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'layoutView.php'; $file = $path . $modelUnderScore .'_view.xml'; if (file_put_contents ($file, $output)) echo "SUCCESS > File generated! [". $file ."] \n"; else echo "FAIL > Impossible to generate code! [". $file ."] \n"; $output = require dirname (__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'android'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'layoutRow.php'; $file = $path . $modelUnderScore .'_row.xml'; if (file_put_contents ($file, $output)) echo "SUCCESS > File generated! [". $file ."] \n"; else echo "FAIL > Impossible to generate code! [". $file ."] \n"; if ($useAssets) { $path = $base .'assets'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!file_exists ($path) && !@mkdir ($path, 0777, TRUE)) die ('Impossible to create folder ['. $path .'].'); $output = require dirname (__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'android'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'assets.php'; $file = $path . $table .'.sql'; if (file_put_contents ($file, $output)) echo "SUCCESS > File generated! [". $file ."] \n"; else echo "FAIL > Impossible to generate code! [". $file ."] \n"; require dirname (__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'android'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'db.php'; } }