driver = new Google_Client (); $this->driver->setApplicationName (Instance::singleton ()->getName ()); $this->driver->setClientId ($this->authId); $this->driver->setClientSecret ($this->authSecret); $this->driver->setScopes (array ('openid', 'profile', 'email')); $this->driver->setApprovalPrompt ('auto'); if (User::singleton ()->isLogged ()) $this->driver->setRedirectUri (Instance::singleton ()->getUrl () .'titan.php?target=social&driver='. $this->getName () .'§ion='. @$_GET['section'] .'&action='. @$_GET['action']); else $this->driver->setRedirectUri (Instance::singleton ()->getLoginUrl ()); } public function getIdColumn () { /* * ALTER TABLE titan._user ADD COLUMN _google CHAR(21); * ALTER TABLE titan._user ADD CONSTRAINT _user__google_key UNIQUE (_google); */ return '_google'; } public function getId () { $profile = $this->loadProfile (); if (isset ($profile ['id']) && trim ($profile ['id']) != '') return $profile ['id']; return NULL; } public function authenticate () { if (!isset ($_SESSION['_GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN_'])) if (isset ($_GET ['code'])) { $this->driver->authenticate ($_GET['code']); $this->user = $this->driver->getAccessToken (); $_SESSION['_GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN_'] = $this->user; if (User::singleton ()->isLogged ()) header ('Location: '. Instance::singleton ()->getUrl () .'titan.php?target=social&driver='. $this->getName () .'§ion='. $_GET['section'] .'&action='. $_GET['action']); else header ('Location: '. Instance::singleton ()->getLoginUrl ()); exit (); } else return FALSE; else { $this->user = $_SESSION['_GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN_']; $this->driver->setAccessToken ($this->user); } return $this->user; } public function loadProfile ($full = FALSE) { if (!$this->isAuthenticated ()) return array (); if (is_array ($this->profile) && !$full) return $this->profile; $oauth = new Google_Oauth2Service ($this->driver); $profile = $oauth->userinfo->get (); if ($full) return $profile; $this->setProfile ($profile); return $this->getProfile (); } public function login () { $profile = $this->loadProfile (); if (!array_key_exists ('id', $profile) || trim ($profile ['id']) == '' || !array_key_exists ('email', $profile) || trim ($profile ['email']) == '' || !array_key_exists ('name', $profile) || trim ($profile ['name']) == '') throw new Exception (__ ('Invalid data to search user (id, email or name)!')); try { User::singleton ()->authenticateBySocialNetwork ($this->getName (), $profile ['id']); Log::singleton ()->add ('LOGON', "Using Google+ (ID: ". $profile ['id'] .").", Log::SECURITY, FALSE, TRUE); return TRUE; } catch (Exception $e) {} $this->register ($profile); $success = User::singleton ()->authenticateBySocialNetwork ($this->getName (), $profile ['id']); if ($success) Log::singleton ()->add ('LOGON', "Using Google+ (ID: ". $profile ['id'] .").", Log::SECURITY, FALSE, TRUE); return $success; } public function register ($profile) { $db = Database::singleton (); $sql = "SELECT _id FROM _user WHERE _google = :google"; $sth = $db->prepare ($sql); $sth->bindParam (':google', $profile ['id'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->execute (); $obj = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if ($obj) return $obj->_id; $sql = "SELECT _id, _type FROM _user WHERE _email = :email"; $sth = $db->prepare ($sql); $sth->bindParam (':email', $profile ['email'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->execute (); $obj = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if ($obj) { $type = Security::singleton ()->getUserType ($obj->_type); if (!is_object ($type)) throw new Exception (__ ('User type not exists! Contact administrator.')); $sql = "UPDATE _user SET _google = :username WHERE _id = :id"; $sth = $db->prepare ($sql); $sth->bindParam (':username', $profile ['id'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->bindParam (':id', $obj->_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $sth->execute (); return $obj->_id; } if (!$this->autoRegister ()) throw new Exception (__ ('There is no user in the system linked to this social network profile!')); $_id = Database::nextId ('_user', '_id'); while ($type = Security::singleton ()->getUserType ()) { if (!$type->useLdap ()) continue; $ldap = $type->getLdap (); if (!$ldap->connect (FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) { $ldap->close (); throw new Exception (__ ('This user type require LDAP integration! Please, contact administrator.')); } $search = $ldap->search (array ('uid'), '(mail='. $profile ['email'] .')'); $ldap->close (); if (!(int) $search ['count']) continue; $_login = $search [0]['uid'][0]; break; } if (!isset ($_login)) { if (!Security::singleton ()->userTypeExists ($this->getUserType ())) throw new Exception (__ ('Invalid user type!')); $type = Security::singleton ()->getUserType ($this->getUserType ()); if ($type->useLdap ()) { $ldap = $type->getLdap (); if (!$ldap->connect (FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) { $ldap->close (); throw new Exception (__ ('This user type require LDAP integration! Please, contact administrator.')); } $_login = $aux = array_shift (explode ('@', $profile ['email'])); $count = 0; do { $query = $db->query ("SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM _user WHERE _login ILIKE '". $_login ."'"); if ($count) $_login = $aux . $count; $count++; } while ((int) $query->fetch (PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) || $ldap->userExists ($_login)); $ldap->create ($ldap->getEssentialInput ($_login, $this->getAttribute ('name')->getValue (), $this->getAttribute ('email')->getValue (), randomHash (10), $_id), $_login); $ldap->close (); } else { $_login = $aux = array_shift (explode ('@', $profile ['email'])); $count = 1; while (TRUE) { $query = $db->query ("SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM _user WHERE _login ILIKE '". $_login ."'"); if (!(int) $query->fetch (PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) break; $_login = $aux . $count++; } } } $fields = array ('_id' => array ($_id, PDO::PARAM_INT), '_login' => array ($_login, PDO::PARAM_STR), '_name' => array ($this->getAttribute ('name')->getValue (), PDO::PARAM_STR), '_email' => array ($this->getAttribute ('email')->getValue (), PDO::PARAM_STR), '_password' => array (randomHash (13) .'_INVALID_HASH_'. randomHash (13), PDO::PARAM_STR), '_active' => array ('1', PDO::PARAM_STR), '_deleted' => array ('0', PDO::PARAM_STR), '_type' => array ($type->getName (), PDO::PARAM_STR), '_google' => array ($profile ['id'], PDO::PARAM_STR)); $alreadyAtts = array ('id', 'name', 'email'); while ($att = $this->getAttribute ()) if (!in_array ($att->getName (), $alreadyAtts)) $fields [$att->getColumn ()] = array ($att->getValue ()); try { $db->beginTransaction (); $sql = "INSERT INTO _user (". implode (", ", array_keys ($fields)) .") VALUES (:". implode (", :", array_keys ($fields)) .")"; $sth = $db->prepare ($sql); foreach ($fields as $key => $array) if (sizeof ($array) > 1) $sth->bindParam (':'. $key, $array [0], $array [1]); else $sth->bindParam (':'. $key, $array [0]); $sth->execute (); $sql = "SELECT _group FROM _type_group WHERE _type = :type"; $sth = $db->prepare ($sql); $sth->bindParam (':type', $type->getName (), PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->execute (); $sthUser = $db->prepare ("INSERT INTO _user_group (_user, _group) VALUES (:id, :group)"); while ($obj = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) $sthUser->execute (array (':id' => $_id, ':group' => $obj->_group)); $db->commit (); return $_id; } catch (PDOException $e) { $db->rollBack (); toLog ('Impossible to save user data in _user table. ['. $e->getMessage () .'] ['. print_r ($fields, TRUE) .']'); } throw new Exception (__ ('Impossible to save your data! Please, contact administrator.')); } public function getLoginUrl () { $this->driver->setRedirectUri (Instance::singleton ()->getLoginUrl ()); return $this->driver->createAuthUrl (); } public function getConnectUrl () { $section = Business::singleton ()->getSection (Section::TCURRENT)->getName (); $action = Business::singleton ()->getAction (Action::TCURRENT)->getName (); $this->driver->setRedirectUri (Instance::singleton ()->getUrl () .'titan.php?target=social&driver='. $this->getName () .'§ion='. $section .'&action='. $action); return $this->driver->createAuthUrl (); } public function getUserUrl ($asLink = TRUE) { $query = Database::singleton ()->query ("SELECT _google FROM _user WHERE _id = '". User::singleton ()->getId () ."'"); $id = $query->fetch (PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if (trim ($id) == '') return ''; $url = ''. $id; if (!$asLink) return $url; return ''. $url .''; } } ?>