$form =& Form::singleton ('create.xml', 'all.xml');

$action = $form->goToAction ('fail');

if (!$form->recovery ())
	throw new Exception (__ ('Unable to retrieve the data submitted!'));

$fields = $form->getFields ();

$columns = array ();
$values  = array ();

foreach ($fields as $key => $field)
	if (!$field->isReadOnly () && $field->isSavable ())
		$columns [$key] = $field->getColumn ();
		$values [$key]  = Database::toValue ($field);

$userId = Database::nextId ('_user', '_id');

array_push ($columns, "_id");
array_push ($values, "'". $userId ."'");

if (!in_array ('_type', $columns))
	$type = $section->getName ();

	array_push ($columns, "_type");
	array_push ($values, "'". $type ."'");
	$type = $fields [array_search ('_type', $columns)]->getValue ();

$userType = Security::singleton ()->getUserType ($type);

$passwd = randomHash (40);

array_push ($columns, "_password");

if ($userType->useLdap ())
	array_push ($values, "'". randomHash (13) .'_INVALID_HASH_'. randomHash (13) ."'");
	array_push ($values, "'". $passwd ."'");

if (!in_array ('_active', $columns))
	array_push ($columns, "_active");
	array_push ($values, "'1'");

$name  = $fields [array_search ('_name', $columns)]->getValue ();
$login = $fields [array_search ('_login', $columns)]->getValue ();
$email = $fields [array_search ('_email', $columns)]->getValue ();

if ($userType->useLdap ())
	$ldap = $userType->getLdap ();
	$form->createLdapUser ($ldap, $ldap->getEssentialInput ($login, $name, $email, $passwd, $userId));

$db = Database::singleton ();

$sql = "INSERT INTO ". $form->getTable () ." (". implode (", ", $columns) .") VALUES (". implode (", ", $values) .")";

$sth = $db->prepare ($sql);

$sth->execute ();

foreach ($fields as $key => $field)
	if (!$field->isSavable ())
		$field->save ($userId);

	$sql = "SELECT _group FROM _type_group WHERE _type = '". $userType->getName () ."'";

	$sth = $db->prepare ($sql);

	$sth->execute ();

	$sthUser = $db->prepare ("INSERT INTO _user_group (_user, _group) VALUES ('". $userId ."', :group)");

	while ($obj = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
		$sthUser->execute (array (':group' => $obj->_group));
catch (PDOException $e)
	$message->addWarning (__('Unable to bind initial groups to the user. You should manually set the groups of the new user. [ [1] ]', $e->getMessage ()));

$message->addMessage (__('User registered with success!'));

$action = $form->goToAction ('success');

$mail = Mail::singleton ();

$subject = $mail->getRegister ('subject');

$msg = $mail->getRegister ('text');

$instance = Instance::singleton ();

$headers  = "From: ". $instance->getName () ." <". $instance->getEmail () .">\r\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: ". $instance->getEmail () ."\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8";

$hash = Security::singleton ()->getHash ();

if ($instance->getFriendlyUrl ('change-password') == '')
	$link = $instance->getUrl () ."titan.php?target=remakePasswd&login=". urlencode ($login) ."&hash=". shortlyHash (sha1 ($hash . $name . $hash . $passwd . $hash . $email . $hash));
	$link = $instance->getUrl () . $instance->getFriendlyUrl ('change-password') ."/". urlencode ($login) ."/". shortlyHash (sha1 ($hash . $name . $hash . $passwd . $hash . $email . $hash));

$search  = array ('[USER]', '[NAME]', '[LINK]', '[LOGIN]');
$replace = array ($name, html_entity_decode (Instance::singleton ()->getName (), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $link, $login);

$subject = str_replace ($search, $replace, $subject);
$msg = str_replace ($search, $replace, $msg);

if (@mail ($email, '=?utf-8?B?'. base64_encode ($subject) .'?=', $msg, $headers) )
	$message->addMessage (__('A link to register the password was sent to the e-mail of the new user.'));
	$message->addWarning (__('Unable to send the e-mail with the link to register a password. This link can be obtained through the option "Forgogot my password", at logon page.'));

	$mail = Mail::singleton ();

	$mail->clear ();

	$mail->addTag ('_LABEL_', $section->getLabel ());
	$mail->addTag ('_ACTOR_', User::singleton ()->getName ());
	$mail->addTag ('_ITEM_', $name .' (Login: '. $login .', E-mail: '. $email .')');
	$mail->addTag ('_LINK_', Instance::singleton ()->getUrl () .'titan.php?toSection='. $section->getName () .'&toAction=view&itemId='. $userId);

	$mail->send ('CREATE');
catch (PDOException $e)
	$message->addWarning ($e->getMessage ());
catch (Exception $e)
	$message->addWarning ($e->getMessage ());

Log::singleton ()->add ('CREATE', $form->getResume ($userId));