<?php class MenuAction extends MenuItem { private $action = NULL; private $section = NULL; private $itemId = 0; public function __construct ($input) { $business = Business::singleton (); if (isset ($input ['section']) && $business->sectionExists ($input ['section'])) $this->section = $business->getSection ($input ['section']); else $this->section = $business->getSection (Section::TCURRENT); if (isset ($input ['action']) && $this->section->actionExists ($input ['action'])) $this->action = $this->section->getAction ($input ['action']); else $this->action = $this->section->getAction (Action::TCURRENT); if (isset ($input ['itemId'])) $itemId = $input ['itemId']; else { global $itemId; if (!is_null ($itemId)) $this->itemId = $itemId; } if (isset ($input ['label']) && trim ($input ['label']) != '') $this->label = translate ($input ['label']); else $this->label = $this->action->getLabel (); if (isset ($input ['image']) && trim ($input ['image']) != '') $this->image = $input ['image']; else $this->image = $this->action->getName () .'.png'; } public function getMenuItem () { $user = User::singleton (); if ($user->accessSection ($this->section->getName ()) && $user->accessAction ($this->action->getName (), $this->section->getName ())) return '<li class="cItemLong" onclick="JavaScript: document.location = \'titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $this->section->getName () .'&toAction='. $this->action->getName () .'&itemId='. $this->itemId .'\';"><img align="left" src="'. self::imageUrl ($this->image) .'" title="'. $this->label .'" alt="'. $this->label .'" />'. $this->label .'</li>'; return '<li class="cItemLongDisabled" onclick="JavaScript: message (\''. __ ('You do not have permission to access the action [1]!', $this->label) .'\', 400, 120, true, \''. __ ('Permission Denied') .'\', \'ERROR\');"><img align="left" src="'. self::imageUrl ('grey/'. $this->image) .'" title="'. $this->label .'" alt="'. $this->label .'" />'. $this->label .'</li>'; } public function getSubmenuItem () { $user = User::singleton (); if ($user->accessSection ($this->section->getName ()) && $user->accessAction ($this->action->getName (), $this->section->getName ())) return '<li class="cSubItem" onclick="JavaScript: document.location = \'titan.php?target=body&toSection='. $this->section->getName () .'&toAction='. $this->action->getName () .'&itemId='. $this->itemId .'\';"><div>'. $this->label .'</div></li>'; return '<li class="cSubItemDisabled" style="color: #CCC;" onclick="JavaScript: message (\''. __ ('You do not have permission to access the action [1]!', $this->label) .'\', 400, 120, true, \''. __ ('Permission Denied') .'\', \'ERROR\');"><div>'. $this->label .'</div></li>'; } public function getDoc () { return $this->section->getDoc ($this->action->getName ()); } } ?>