<?php if (!User::singleton ()->isLogged ()) throw new Exception (__ ('Attention! Probably attack detected. Access Denied!')); if (!isset ($_GET['assigns'])) throw new Exception (__ ('Error! Data losted.')); set_time_limit (0); ini_set ('memory_limit', -1); $useSearch = isset ($_GET['search']) && (int) $_GET['search'] ? TRUE : FALSE; $assigns = explode (',', $_GET['assigns']); if ($useSearch) { $search = new Search ('search.xml', 'list.xml'); $search->recovery (); $where = $search->makeWhere (); $where .= trim ($where) == '' ? "_type = '". $section->getName () ."' AND _deleted = '0'" : " AND _type = '". $section->getName () ."' AND _deleted = '0'"; } else $where = "_type = '". $section->getName () ."' AND _deleted = '0'"; $view = new View ('csv.xml', 'list.xml'); $view->setPaginate (0); if (!$view->load ($where)) throw new Exception (__ ('Unable to load data!')); set_error_handler ('logPhpError'); header ('Content-Type: application/csv'); header ('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='. Business::singleton ()->getSection (Section::TCURRENT)->getName () .'_'. date ('Y-m-d_H-i-s') .'.csv'); header ('Pragma: no-cache'); header ('Expires: 0'); $handle = fopen ('php://output', 'w'); $aux = array (); while ($field = $view->getField ()) if (in_array ($field->getAssign (), $assigns)) $aux [] = utf8_decode ($field->getLabel ()); fputcsv ($handle, $aux, ';', '"'); while ($view->getItem ()) { $itemId = $view->getId (); $aux = array (); while ($field = $view->getField ()) if (in_array ($field->getAssign (), $assigns)) $aux [] = str_replace (array ("\n", "\r", "\t"), array (' ', '', ' '), utf8_decode (trim (Form::toText ($field)))); fputcsv ($handle, $aux, ';', '"'); } fclose ($handle); restore_error_handler (); exit (); ?>