<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="titan.php?target=packer&files=sha1"></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var _registerErrorFields = new Array (); var _registerErrorColors = new Array (); function saveRegister (file, form, button) { showWait (); button.value = '<?= __ ('Wait...') ?>'; button.onclick = function () {}; var formData = xoad.html.exportForm (form); var fields = new Array (); eval ("fields = new Array (" + tAjax.validate (file, formData) + ");"); if (fields.length) { button.value = '<?= __ ('Proceed Register') ?>'; button.onclick = function () { saveRegister (file, form, button); }; window.scrollTo (0,0); tAjax.showMessages (); for (var i = 0; i < _registerErrorFields.length; i++) { $('row_' + _registerErrorFields [i]).style.backgroundColor = _registerErrorColors [i]; $$('#row_' + _registerErrorFields [i] + ' td').first ().style.background = 'none'; } _registerErrorFields = new Array (); _registerErrorColors = new Array (); for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { _registerErrorFields [i] = fields [i]; _registerErrorColors [i] = $('row_' + fields [i]).style.backgroundColor; $('row_' + fields [i]).style.backgroundColor = '#FADFDD'; $$('#row_' + fields [i] + ' td').first ().style.background = 'url(titan.php?target=loadFile&file=interface/image/exclamation.png) 5px no-repeat'; } hideWait (); return false; } formData ['_TITAN_CAPTCHA_'] = document.getElementById ('_TITAN_CAPTCHA_FIELD_').value; if (!tAjax.save (file, formData)) { for (var i = 0; i < _registerErrorFields.length; i++) { $('row_' + _registerErrorFields [i]).style.backgroundColor = _registerErrorColors [i]; $$('#row_' + _registerErrorFields [i] + ' td').first ().style.background = 'none'; } _registerErrorFields = new Array (); _registerErrorColors = new Array (); tAjax.showMessages (); button.value = '<?= __ ('Proceed Register') ?>'; button.onclick = function () { saveRegister (file, form, button); }; $('_TITAN_CAPTCHA_FIELD_').value = ''; $('_TITAN_CAPTCHA_IMAGE_').src = 'titan.php?target=captcha&sid=' + Math.random(); window.scrollTo (0,0); tAjax.delay (function () { hideWait (); }); return false; } button.value = '<?= __ ('Thank you!') ?>'; tAjax.delay (function () { hideWait (); }); success (); return true; } function success () { var source = '<div id="idSuccess">\ <img src="titan.php?target=loadFile&file=interface/image/success.png" border="0" style="float: left; margin: 25px 10px 0px 10px;" />\ <div style="float: right; width: 370px; margin: 20px 10px 0px 10px; font-size: 12px;">\ <label style="color: #1F7E1E; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;"><?= __ ('Registration completed!') ?></label><br /><br />\ <?= __ ('Please check your e-mail. When your registration is approved you will receive a message with further instructions.') ?> <br /><br />\ <a style="color: #900; font-size: 10px;" href="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .'?'. $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ?>"><?= __ ('Make new account?') ?></a>\ </div>\ </div>'; Modalbox.show (source, { overlayClose: false, closeValue: '', closeString: '', autoFocusing: false, width: 500, height: 180, title: '' }); } function showActivate (id) { var row = document.getElementById ('_USER_ROW_' + id); var label = document.getElementById ('_USER_CONTENT_' + id); var str; if (row.style.display == '') row.style.display = 'none'; else { label.innerHTML = '<img src="titan.php?target=loadFile&file=interface/icon/upload.gif" border="0" /> <label>Aguarde! Carregando...</label>'; row.style.display = ''; if (ajax.isActive (id)) str = ' <table width="100%" style="border: #990000 1px solid;">\ <tr>\ <td>\ <label style="color: #990000; font-weight: bold;">Atenção!</label> Tem certeza que deseja <label style="color: #990000;">DESATIVAR</label> este usuário? Com isto ele <b>não poderá</b> mais efetuar <i>logon</i> no sistema.\ </td>\ <td style="text-align: right;">\ <input type="button" class="button buttonRegisterCancel" value="Desativar Usuário" onclick="JavaScript: activateUser (' + id + ', 0);" />\ </td>\ </tr>\ </table>'; else str = ' <table width="100%" style="border: #009900 1px solid;">\ <tr>\ <td>\ <label style="color: #990000; font-weight: bold;">Atenção!</label> Tem certeza que deseja <label style="color: #009900;">ATIVAR</label> este usuário? Com isto ele <b>poderá</b> efetuar <i>logon</i> no sistema.\ </td>\ <td style="text-align: right;">\ <input type="button" class="button buttonRegisterOk" value="Ativar Usuário" onclick="JavaScript: activateUser (' + id + ', 1);" />\ </td>\ </tr>\ </table>'; label.innerHTML = str; } } function activateUser (id, value) { showWait (); showActivate (id); ajax.activate (id, value, function () { hideWait (); }); return false; } function showChangePasswd (id) { var row = document.getElementById ('_USER_ROW_' + id); var label = document.getElementById ('_USER_CONTENT_' + id); var str; if (row.style.display == '') row.style.display = 'none'; else { label.innerHTML = '<img src="titan.php?target=loadFile&file=interface/icon/upload.gif" border="0" /> <label>Aguarde! Carregando...</label>'; row.style.display = ''; str = ' <table width="100%" style="border: #090 2px solid;">\ <tr>\ <td style="padding: 10px 5px;">\ <label style="color: #900; font-weight: bold;">Atenção!</label> Preencha ambos os campos a seguir com a nova senha:\ </td>\ <td style="text-align: right;">\ <input type="password" class="field" id="_PASSWD_FIELD_' + id + '" style="width: 150px; float: none;" /> \ <input type="password" class="field" id="_RETYPE_FIELD_' + id + '" style="width: 150px; float: none;" /> \ <input type="button" class="button" value="Alterar Senha" onclick="JavaScript: changePasswd (' + id + ');" />\ </td>\ </tr>\ </table>'; label.innerHTML = str; } } function changePasswd (id) { passwd = $('_PASSWD_FIELD_' + id); retype = $('_RETYPE_FIELD_' + id); if (passwd.value.replace(/ /g,'') == '') { alert ('<?= __ ('The password cannot be empty and neither contain empty spaces!') ?>'); return false; } if (passwd.value != retype.value) { alert ('<?= __ ('The both field values ("New Password" and "Confirm Password") must be equal') ?>'); return false; } showWait (); p = passwd.value; <?php if (Security::singleton ()->encryptOnClient ()) { echo 'p = hex_sha1 (passwd.value);'; } ?> if (ajax.changePasswd (id, p)) showChangePasswd (id); ajax.delay (function () { passwd.value = ''; retype.value = ''; ajax.showMessages (); hideWait (); }); } function selectAll () { var check = false, i; if ($('_SELECT_ALL_').checked) check = true; counter = 0; while (obj = $('check_' + counter++)) obj.checked = check; } function exportCsv () { var assigns = '', useSearch = '0'; counter = 0; while (obj = $('check_' + counter++)) if (obj.checked) assigns = assigns + obj.name + ','; if (assigns == '') { message ('Selecione pelo menos um campo para ser exportado!', 300, 120, true); return false; } if ($('_SEARCH_').checked) useSearch = '1' openPrintPopup ('titan.php?target=script&toSection=<?= Business::singleton ()->getSection (Section::TCURRENT)->getName () ?>&file=exportCsv&auth=1&search=' + useSearch + '&assigns=' + assigns); } </script>