<?php $search = new Search ('calendar.xml','search.xml', 'list.xml'); $search->recovery (); $view = new View ('calendar.xml', 'list.xml'); $defaultAction="view"; if($view->getDefaultIcon()) if($view->getDefaultIcon()->getAction()) $defaultAction = $view->getDefaultIcon()->getAction(); if(!isset($_GET['dateShow']) || trim($_GET['dateShow'])=='') $dateShow = date("d-m-Y"); else $dateShow =$_GET['dateShow']; $dateShowArray=explode("-",$dateShow); if(!is_array($dateShowArray) || count($dateShowArray)!=3) throw new Exception("Data inválida"); $dayShow=(int)$dateShowArray[0]; $monthShow=(int)$dateShowArray[1]; $yearShow = (int)$dateShowArray[2]; if(isset($_POST['search__DATE_']) ) { $_START_ = implode("-",$_POST['search__DATE_']); $_SESSION['search__DATE_']=&$_POST['search__DATE_']; } else if(isset($_SESSION['search__DATE_'])) { $_START_ = implode("-",$_SESSION['search__DATE_']); } else { $_START_ = "01-01-".$yearShow ; } if(isset($_POST['search__DATE_END_']) ) { $_END_ = implode("-",$_POST['search__DATE_END_']); $_SESSION['search__DATE_END_']=&$_POST['search__DATE_END_']; } else if(isset($_SESSION['search__DATE_END_']) ) { $_END_ = implode("-",$_SESSION['search__DATE_END_']); } else $_END_ = "31-12-".$yearShow; if(isset($_POST['search']) && $_POST['search']==Search::TCLEAR) { $_END_ = "31-12-".$yearShow; $_END_AUX=explode("-",$_END_); $_SESSION['search__DATE_END_']=&$_END_AUX; $_START_ = "01-01-".$yearShow ; $_START_AUX=explode("-",$_START_); $_SESSION['search__DATE_']= &$_START_AUX; } $dateShow=$dayShow."-".$monthShow."-".$yearShow; $timestampFirstDay = mktime(1,1,1,$monthShow,1,$yearShow); $dayOfWeekFirstDay = date("w",$timestampFirstDay); $maxDays = array(1=>31, 2=>28, 3=>31, 4=>30, 5=>31, 6=>30, 7=>31, 8=>31, 9=>30, 10=>31, 11=>30, 12=>31 ); if(($yearShow % 400 == 0) || ($yearShow % 4 == 0 && ($yearShow % 100) != 0)) $maxDays[2]=29; $monthArrayExt = array ( 1 => __ ('January'), 2 => __ ('February'), 3 => __ ('March'), 4 => __ ('April'), 5 => __ ('May'), 6 => __ ('June'), 7 => __ ('July'), 8 => __ ('August'), 9 => __ ('September'), 10 => __ ('October'), 11 => __ ('November'), 12 => __ ('December') ); $monthArray = array ( 1 => __ ('Jan'), 2 => __ ('Feb'), 3 => __ ('Mar'), 4 => __ ('Apr'), 5 => __ ('May'), 6 => __ ('Jun'), 7 => __ ('Jul'), 8 => __ ('Aug'), 9 => __ ('Sep'), 10 => __ ('Oct'), 11 => __ ('Nov'), 12 => __ ('Dec') ); $fieldDate= new Date($view->getTable(), array("id"=>"_DATE_", "type"=>"Date", "value"=>$_START_, "column"=>$view->getField("_DATE_")->getColumn())); $fieldDate->setValue($_START_); $fieldDateEnd= new Date($view->getTable(), array("id"=>"_DATE_END_", "type"=>"Date", "value"=>$_END_, "column"=>$fieldDate->getColumn())); $stringWhere=$search->makeWhere (); $whereDate=''; if(isset($_START_) && trim($_START_)!='' && isset($_END_) && trim ($_END_)!='' ) { $stringWhere = trim($stringWhere)!=''? ($stringWhere.' AND '): ($stringWhere); $valueStart=explode("-",$_START_); $dayStart = $valueStart [0]; $monthStart = $valueStart [1]; $yearStart = $valueStart [2]; if(!isset($dayStart)) $dayStart=1; if(!isset($monthStart)) $monthStart=1; if(!isset($yearStart)) $yearStart=date("Y"); $valueEnd=explode("-",$_END_); $dayEnd = $valueEnd [0]; $monthEnd = $valueEnd [1]; $yearEnd = $valueEnd [2]; if(!isset($dayEnd)) $dayEnd=1; if(!isset($monthEnd)) $monthEnd=1; if(!isset($yearEnd)) $yearEnd=date("Y"); $whereDate = '('.$fieldDate->getTable () .'.'. $fieldDate->getColumn () .' >= \''. $dayStart .'/'. $monthStart .'/'. $yearStart .'\''; $whereDate .= ' AND '.$fieldDate->getTable () .'.'. $fieldDate->getColumn () .' <= \''. $dayEnd .'/'. $monthEnd .'/'. $yearEnd .'\')'; $stringWhere.=$whereDate; } if (!$view->load ($stringWhere)) throw new Exception (__('Unable to load the data!')); $itemsCalendar=array(); while($field = $view->getItem()) { $date = $view->getField('_DATE_')->getValue(); $dateKey = $date[0]."-".$date[1]."-".$date[2]; if(!array_key_exists($dateKey,$itemsCalendar)) $itemsCalendar[$dateKey]=array(); $iCount = count($itemsCalendar[$dateKey]); $itemsCalendar[$dateKey][$iCount]['_FIELD_'] = $field; $itemsCalendar[$dateKey][$iCount]['_ID_'] = $view->getId(); $itemsCalendar[$dateKey][$iCount]['_TITLE_'] = Form::toHtml( $view->getField("_TITLE_") ); } ?>