; $Id: constructs.txt 52 2009-07-03 08:57:01Z extremo $ ; The translations of available programming constructs ; Translation authors: ; - Tomasz Jędrzejewski ; ; Pozor: Slovencina neje moj matersky jazyk. Ako si najdete nejake chyby, ; bol by som vdacny ak by ste opravili je a poslali vasu versiu skupine ; Invenzzia class = "Trieda" interface = "Interface" abstract_class = "Abstraktná trieda" function = "Funkcia" method = "Metóda" static_method = "Statická metóda" abstract_method = "Abstraktná metóda" accessor_method = "Nastavovač" variable = "Premenná" static_variable = "Statická premenná" module = "Modul" package = "Balíček" constructor = "Konstruktor" destructor = "Deštruktor" magic_method = "Magická metóda" namespace = "Menný priestor" datatype = "Data type" structure = "Structure" macro = "Macro"